Some bar-tenders have a fancy way of serving this
driyl.k. I t i s done thus:–
Fill to the b rim a p ony - glass of b r andy, cover it
with the b a r - glass, then press both g l asses tightly
together and turn them over quickly, so that the pony–
glass will remain upside down in the bar-glass, with–
out a drop of the brandy escaping.
Brandy and Soda
{Use large soda-water glass.)
2 or three small lumps of ice.
This is sometimes called STONE WaLL.
Take 1 wine-glass of brandy.
Fill up the glass with a bottle of p l ai n soda-water.
Rhine Wine and Seltzer Water.
{Use large bar-glass.)
Pour in Rhine wine until the glass is half f u l l .
Add two small lumps of ice.
Fill the glass with Seltzer water.
Brandy and Gum.
(Use small bar-glass.)
Take 2 dashes of gum syrup.
1 small lump of i ce.
Hand the bottle to the customer and let him he l p
Serve ice water in a separate glass.
H S K e lO C R T O b R Q C O S
Retail Price,ttd., 1/- dsl/B per plug.