Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs
Z&W series 2014
Social worker training
Exam 3 Providing support with financial problems and budget management
This exam concerns the following work processes from the key tasks
Drafting a service plan
Supporting the client(s).
work process
Work process title
Makes an overview of the client’s
situation and wishes
C Supervising
D Showing attention and understanding
K Applying occupational expertise
Creates a service plan
J Formulating and reporting
M Analysing
Q Planning and organising
Supports the client with financial
problems and budget
C Supervising
D Showing attention and understanding
K Applying occupational expertise
Description of this exam
The social worker makes an overview of the situation and requirements of the client in the material and
(related) psycho-social areas. She collects information about the client through discussions with the
client and other social workers. She observes clients and their environment and charts the client’s
network. She supports the client (and his environment) in order to clarify and express his requirements.
She assesses the client’s options and limitations and discusses her findings with the client.
The social worker analyses the systematically collected information about the client and based on this,
formulates objectives and actions in conjunction with the client. She then formulates a feasible and
realistic service plan. She makes agreements with the client about the approach and records this in a
file. She adapts the service plan as required and formulates new objectives. She clearly states in the
plan when she refers to other social workers or institutions if the bottlenecks and problems are not in
her field of activity or are beyond her authority.
The social worker supports clients with financial problems and budget management, sometimes by
order of another social worker or institution. She informs the client and provides him with advice
concerning his pattern of spending and provides resources for support. She establishes the request for
help and the actions to realise solutions in conjunction with the client. She discusses what the client can
do himself and the support she can provide. She refers the client to another professional as required.
She is attentive to signals of poverty and social issues and makes the signals a subject of discussion
with the client.
The degree of difficulty
carrying out the care and supervision cycle