Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs
Z&W series 2014
Social worker training
Work process 1.1 Describes the client’s situation and requirements
Systematically chart the situation and requirements of the client in the material and (related)
psycho-social areas in conjunction with the client.
Collect information through discussions with the client and social workers involved.
Observe the client and his environment and chart the client’s network.
Discuss the information with the client and record it.
In consultation with the client, the social worker has systematically charted the client’s situation and
requirements in the material and (related) psychosocial areas and obtained a complete and correct idea
of the bottlenecks, (hidden) problems, options and limitations of the client in a client-safe environment.
Supporting documents
Submit the following supporting documents:
A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner
Overview of the client’s situation and wishes