Drinks
—
Old
and
New
Fruit
Drink,
—
Mash
one
pint
of
strawberries,
raspberries,
currants,
or
mulberries
in
a
pint
of
water,
into
which
the
juice
of
two
lemons
has
been
squeezed.
Add
a
little
sifted
sugar.
Strain
through
a
hair
sieve.
If
not
sufficiently
liquid,
add
some
iced
water
or
half
a
bottle
of
soda-water.
—
/.
R.
To
make
John
Collin
s
Gin
Slings
or
Gin
Fizz,
—
Mix
in
a
tumbler
the
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
a
small
tea-spoonful
of
castor
sugar,
and
a
wine-glass-
ful
of
Hollands
or
of
Old
Tom
gin.
Stir
for
two
minutes,
then
add
a
few
pieces
of
ice
and
a
bottle
of
soda-water.
To
make
La
Masubal^
or
LamFs
—
Roast
half
a
dozen
apples,
having
previously
cored
them.
Boil
a
small
piece
of
crushed
ginger,
a
quarter
of
a
nutmeg
grated,
and
two
or
three
ounces
of
sugar
in
a
quart
of
strong
ale.
Add
the
pulp
of
the
roasted
apples,
and
serve
hot.
Lemonade,
—
To
make
one
quart
of
lemonade
allow
six
ripe
lemons,
or
eight
if
they
are
not
juicy.
Take
four
good-sized
lumps
of
sugar
and
rub
the
outside
of
the
lemons
well
with
them,
in
order
to
extract
the
"
zest
"
of
the
rind.
Pick
out
every
pip,
and
squeeze
every
drop
of
juice
the
lemons
will
yield
into
a
jug.
Then
add
the
four
lumps
of
sugar,
and
pour
in
nearly
a
quart
of
boiling
water.
Cover
the
jug
till
the
lemonade
is
cold.
It
is
an
improvement
to
set
the
lemonade
on
ice,
but
do
not
put
any
pieces
of
ice
into
it.
—
/.
R,
The
Long
Drink,
—
Take
a
large
soda-water