The
Still-Room
tumbler,
and
bruise
into
it
twelve
or
more
straw-
berries,
or
any
fruit
which
will
yield
not
less
than
a
table-spoonful
of
juice.
Add
a
table-spoonful
of
cream,
and
fill
up
with
soda-water.
—
/.
R.
To
make
Mint
Julep,
—
Place
four
or
five
sprigs
of
mint
in
a
tumbler,
together
with
a
table-spoonful
of
castor
sugar
and
two
table-spoonfuls
of
water.
Stir
for
two
minutes,
then
add
a
wine-glassful
of
brandy.
and
fill
up
the
tumbler
with
shaved
ice.
The
lip
of
the
tumbler
may
be
rubbed
with
a
piece
of
fresh
pine-apple.
"
Behold
this
cordial
Julep
here
That
foams
and
dances
in
his
crystal
hounds^
With
spirits
of
balm
and
fragrant
spices
mix'dr
To
make
Mulled
Ale,
—
Boil
a
quart
of
ale
with
a
table-spoonful
of
sugar,
a
tea-spoonful
of
crushed
ginger,
and
two
or
three
cloves.
Beat
up
eight
eggs
in
a
quarter
of
a
pint
of
cold
ale,
and
place
in
a
large
jug.
Pour
the
boiling
ale
on
this
mixture,