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non-natural, synthetic polymers

that can better withstand extreme

conditions in the field. The Agency

will hold a workshop next week to

describe recent successes and

discuss applications with potential


Biopolymers are large molecules

created by stringing together smaller

biochemical units, calledmonomers.

Proteins are biopolymers made

of hundreds or thousands of

monomers called amino acids. The

specific amino acids that are strung

together to make a protein, and their

linear order or “sequence,” define

the protein’s final three-dimensional

shape and, by virtue of that

shape, its function. For example,

insulin binds to specific molecular

structures on the surface of cells

precisely because of its specific 3D

(folded) shape, which is determined

by the sequence of its amino acid

building blocks. Performers in the

Fold F(x) program are leveraging

this concept of “sequence defines

shape defines function” to mimic

the activity of naturally occurring

biopolymers using completely new,



Because these monomers are

synthetic, they can be designed to

be more robust than their natural

amino acid counterparts, opening

the door to making proteins with

new functional properties.

Since the late 1960s, researchers

worldwide have attempted to

design specific non-natural polymer

sequences that would fold into

specific three-dimensional shapes

and perform a desired medicinal

function. These one-off, targeted

attempts at “rational drug design”

have not yielded much success, in

large part because scientists still

have only a rudimentary means

of predicting how the multitude

of monomers in a biopolymer will

interact and fold on one another.

Performers in the Fold F(x) program

are taking a completely different

approach. Instead of trying to create

the one perfectly folded polymer that

will accomplish a desired biomedical

function, they are creating massive

suites of non-natural polymers with

at least a billion distinct sequences

that are hypothesized to fold into

some generally desirable class of

3D shapes. They are then screening

these polymer libraries with cutting-

edge sorting technologies to

identify which sequences in each

library bind to a particular target

of interest. The approach mimics

that of the human immune system,

which does not instantly produce

antibodies that bind specifically to

a newly encountered pathogen but

rather produces a shotgun blast of

varied antibodies, then amplifies

production of the antibody that

proves most effective at binding to

and disabling the attacking microbe.

There are significant challenges

to producing large libraries of

biopolymers and to screening for

those best suited to a desired task,

but the Fold F(x) program has been

enjoying a string of successes.

To date, six performer groups

have built billion-plus non-natural

polymer libraries and identified

members that bind to known targets

in application areas ranging from



to biowarfare agent detection.

One group at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT), for

example, created a non-natural

polymer with demonstrated thermal

and environmental stability that

can recognize the well-known

biowarfare agent anthrax. That

specific recognition may be

exploited to develop a rapid, field-

stable diagnostic test for anthrax.

MIT is now also screening its

non-natural polymer library in

collaboration with the U.S. Army

Medical Research Institute of

Infectious Diseases to create

synthetic biopolymers that bind

to Ebola, in the hope of creating

a totally new and robust Ebola

treatment. A separate effort at

Stanford University will use a newly

developed screening capability

based on high-throughput imaging

technology to identify non-natural

polymers that bind to inactivated

Burkholderia pseudomallei and

Burkholderia mallei, two bacterial

pathogens of significant interest to

the DoD.

Other teams have used the billion-

member library strategy of the

Fold F(x) program to generate

and rapidly identify synthetic

biopolymers that interact in very

specific ways with a number of

other targets. Some biopolymers

are predicted to be resistant to

digestion, for example, opening the

door to oral versions of medicines

that today must be injected because

they would otherwise break down

in the stomach. Others show

promise as temperature-resilient

compounds that could remain

potent for decades instead of

years, or shelf-stable diagnostics

that could someday replace

current counterparts that need to

be kept refrigerated. Collaborators

in DARPA’s Fold F(x) program

include University of California at

Irvine, Harvard University, Scripps




Berkeley National Laboratory, and

SRI International.