Ml
87.
The
julep
is
peculiarly
an
American
beverage,
and
m
the
Southern
states
is
more
popular
than
any
other.
It
was
introduced
into
England
by
Captain
Marryatt,
where
it
is
now
quite
a
favorite.
The
gallant
captain
seems
to
have
had
a
penchant
for
the
nectareous
drink,
and
publish-
ed
the
recipe
in
his
work
on
America.
We
give
it
in
his
own
words:
"I
must
descant
a
little
upon
the
mint
julep>,
as
it
is,
with
the
thermometer
at
100^,
one
of
the
most
de-
lightful
and
insinuating
potations
that
ever
was
invented,
and
may
be
drunk
with
equal
satisfaction
when
the
ther-
mometer
is
as
low
as
70°.
There
are
many
varieties,
such
as
those
composed
of
claret,
Madeira,
&c.
;
but
the
iugre-