State of the rainforest 2014 - page 88

47. Lo, J. and F. Parish 2013.
“Singapore’s New Haze Pollution Law “A NewWay
of Doing Business” Statement - August 05, 2014
49. The Indonesian government is currently developing a forest map and better
forest monitoring systems.
50. A sharp reduction in deforestation in Indonesia reported from 2008 in the
FAO FRA 2010 is not confirmed by other sources, and the Indonesian government
themselves are using higher deforestation numbers than reported to FAO.
51. FAO FRA 2010: table 3, annual rate 2005-2010
52. Brazil 2013 : 5,843 2012 estimate (see Brazil article). Indonesia: annual
average 2005-2010 is 6,850 km2 (FAO FRA 2010).
53. Gaveau DLA, et al 2014
54. For more details on deforestation of natural forest in specific regions in
Indonesia, see Margono 2014
55. FAO 2011; Wakker 2014; H.-J. Stibig et al 2014; FWI, GFW and WRI 2002
56. Margono 2014
59. See Aman
rights-and-redd/#.VAcBpdKKDuU; CIFOR
60. J.C.Z. Woinarski
62. Shearman et al. 2008; J.C.Z. Woinarski 2010
63. Shearman et al. 2008.
65. See Rights-based rainforest protection p. 27-29, RFN 2012
66. According to FAO, approximately one third (100 290 km2) of the total forest
area (317 730 km2)
68. Gaveau DLA, et al. 2014
70. Stigib, H-B, et al 2014
71. FAO. 2011
72. Stigib, H-B, et al 2014
4. Drivers of deforestation
1. FAO, UNEP, and UNFF 2009.
2. Gibbs, H. K., Ruesch A.S, Foley, J. A., Ramankutty, N., Achard, F and
Holmgren, P. 2010.
3. Ibid.
4. FAO et al., 2009.
5. Union of Concerned Scientists 2011.
6. FAO 2008. Cited in FAO et al. 2009.
7. Union of Concerned Scientists 2011.
8. Rainforest Foundation et al. 2012.
9. RSPO 2013.
10. Rautner, M., Legget, M., Davis, F., 2013 (p.13).
11. UNEP 2011.
12. WWF 2012.
13. Bahroeny 2009.
14. World Bank 2010.
15. Wicke, Birka et al., 2008. Cited in Gingold, B., 2010.
17. ECORYS 2010. Cited in Regnskogfondet et al. 2012 (p. 12).
18. Morton, et al. 2006. Cited in Regnskogfondet et al. 2012 (p.12)
19. Arima et al. 2011.
20. Union of Concerned scientists 2011.
21. Barreto et al. 2012. Cited in Regnskogfondet et al. 2012.
22. Mahly Y., Roberts, J.T., Betts, R.A., Killeen T.J., Li, W., Nobre C.A. 2008. Cited
in, UNEP et al. 2009 ( p. 22).
23. Ibid.
24. Union of Concerned scientists 2011.
25. Megevand 2012.
26. WWF 2012.
27. Union of Concerned Scientists 2011.
28. WWF 2012.
29. Ibid.
30. INTERPOL – World Bank 2009. Cited in Nelleman, C., INTERPOL
Environmental Crime programme (eds) 2012.
31. Moog, S., Spicer, A. and Böhm, S. 2014.
33. ‘Small-scale farming’ here includes subsistence farmers and semi-
subsistence farming.
34. Union of Concerned Scientists 2011 (p. 3).
35. Barber et al. 2014.
36. RAISG 2012.
37. RAISG 2012.
39. RAISG 2012.
40. Little P.E 2014.
41. International Rivers 2008.
42. RAISG 2012.
43. Union of Concerned Scientists 2011.
46. Regnskogfondet et al. 2012.
48. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
49. UNEP and INTERPOL 2012.
50. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014 .
51. INTERPOL and World Bank 2009.
52. Ibid.
53. FAO 2012a
54. Hiemstra-van der Horst, G. 2011.
55. INTERPOL-World Bank 2009.
56. UNEP and INTERPOL 2012.
57. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
58. UNEP and INTERPOL 2012.
59. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
60. UNEP and INTERPOL 2012.
61. FAO 2014a.
62. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
63. UNEP and INTERPOL 2012.
64. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
65. FAO 2014b.
66. UNSC 2013.
67. Ibid.
68. UNEP and INTERPOL 2010.
69. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
70. Ibid.
71. UNEP and INTERPOL 2012, and 2014.
72. CITES 2014.
73. UNEP and INTERPOL 2014.
74. Ibid.
75. Ibid.
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