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Vol. IV, No, 6.]

December, 1910.






the Incorporated Law

Society of Ireland was instituted by the

Council in May, 1907, with the object of

keeping the members of the Society in touch

with the work of the Council, and of afford

ing general legal information to the members.

The publication is prepared by a Committee

of the Council, and is issued monthly, except

in the months of September and October,

gratis and post free, to every member of the


The Council think that the GAZETTE is of

advantage to the members, as, although it is

nominally confined to the proceedings of the

Society and Council, the subjects brought

before the Council are so numerous that the

publication contains much information of

interest to Solicitors generally.

The GAZETTE deals with many subjects of

great importance to the Profession, and has

gradually become a record of general infor

mation on most subjects connected with the

Solicitors' Profession.

Information as to the

latest rules and orders, short reports of legal

decisions affecting the Profession, the course

of Parliamentary legislation affecting


Profession, and a summary from week to

week of business brought before the Council

are to be found in its pages.

In the present number, in addition to the

usual matter, there is a full report of the

proceedings at the General Meeting of the

Society on the 28th November, and the

speeches then delivered.

Of recent years the number of members of

the Law Society has considerably increased,

and the majority of the Solicitors in actual

practice belong to it; but'the Council believe

that the more numerous its members the

greater will be its influence for the benefit of

the Profession, and they have


decided to issue the present number of the

GAZETTE, not only to the members of the

Society, but to every member of the Pro

fession in Ireland, so as to give them an

opportunity of judging of the work done by

the Society, and the importance of adding to

its numbers and influence by joining it.

Half-Yearly General Meeting.

THE Half-yearly Meeting of the members of

the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland

took place in the Hall of the Society at the

Four Courts, on Monday, 28th November.

The chair was occupied by Mr. Richard A.

Macnamara, President of the Society.

Amongst those present were :—

. W. V. Seddall (Vice-President), A. Lloyd-

Blood (Vice-President), Sir George Roche,

Sir A. Baker, R. S. Reeves, W. S. Hayes,

W. J. Shannon, G. Collins, G. Byrne, Wm.

Fry, F. C. E. Bland, P. J. Brady, M.P. ;

J. P. Lynch, C. St. G. Orpen, J. W. Richards,

F. W. Meredith, J. A. Denning, G. H. Lyster,

R. G. Warren, H. J. Synnott, C. A. Stanuell,

I. J. Rice, A. E. Bradle}', James Henry,

R. B. White, C. Gamble, P. K. White, H. D.

Draper, F. Greene, P. Rooney, N. L. Moran,

G. M. Collins, 0. P. Beater, S. Kerr, R. T.

F. Greene, R. J. Dodd (Jun.), C. Corcoran,

E. Condell,

J. W. Davis, W. Read, J.

Gleeson, J. J. Beatty, W. H. Fry, H. F.