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DECEMBER, 1910] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Solicitor when making the affidavit, and that

the Judge had complied with the request.

Taxing Office.

It was

resolved to


the Lord

Chancellor to have an additional Junior Clerk

appointed to the Taxing Office, in accordance

with a recommendation contained in the

Report of the Committee appointed last year

by His Lordship to enquire into the working

of the Taxing Office.

Registration of Title.

In reply to a letter requesting that the

Council might have an opportunity of ex

pressing their opinion upon the site to be

selected for the Central Office for Registra

tion of Title in the event of

its being

removed from Henrietta Street, a letter was

read from Mr. Justice Madden stating that it

had been his intention to request the views of

the Council upon this subject when a new

site would have been provisionally selected,

and that the Council would be so consulted.

Illegal Conveyancer.

A letter was read from a country member

drawing attention to the preparation of a

deed by a person who is not a Solicitor. A

reply was directed to be written stating that

the Society would proceed against


offender for


recovery of a penalty

under 27 Victoria, cap. 8 upon receipt of a

declaration by the party for whom the

deed was prepared, containing a statement

as to the remuneration paid for the work.

Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society.

At the request of the Solicitors Appren

tices' Debating Society, the Council agreed

to engage a room in the Antient Concert

Rooms in which the ordinary meetings of the

Debating Society will in future be held.


It was resolved that the December number

of the Society's GAZETTE, containing the

report of the proceedings of the General

Meeting, should be sent to the whole Pro

fession, and that a circular as to membership

be sent to those members of the profession

who have not yet joined the Society.

Costs Committee.

In reply to a query as to the liability of a

lessee to a lessor for the costs in connection

with assessment of increment value duty,

the Committee reported as follows, and the

report was adopted :—

" In the absence of an agreement to the

" contrary the Lessor's costs of having the

" increment value duty stamp affixed to the

" lease are payable by the Lessor, and are not

" recoverable by him from the Lessee."

Council Meetings.

MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon

the following dates :—

January llth and 25th.

Committee Meetings.

THE following Committee Meetings were held

during November :—

County Courts, 1st.

Costs, 9th and 23rd.

Court of Examiners, 10th.

Gazette, llth.


MR. GEORGE MC!LDOWIE, Senr., Solicitor,

Belfast, died upon the 29th November, 1910,

at his

residence, Fountainville Avenue,


Mr. Mclldowie, who served his apprentice

ship with the late Mr. William Seeds, Belfast,

was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1879, and

practised (up to the year 1908, when he

retired) at Belfast, in partnership with his

sons, Messrs. George and William Mclldowie,

who carry on the business, under the style

of Messrs. George Mclldowie & Sons.

New Members.

THE following have joined the Society during

November :—

Bonass, Henry H., City Hall, Dublin.

Creagh, Lancelot G., Listowel.

Crozier, George, Armagh.

Hanna, George B., Ballymena.

Hanratty, Simon E., Newry.

Jefferson, Charles G., 4 Donegall Square,


Lynam, Richard V., 16 Dame Street,


McGrath, Daniel J.,

1 Talbot Street,
