Wine Bitters.
1 thin peel of Lemon.
1 thin peel of bitter Orange.
3oz. good Sherry.
2 oz. water.
Stong-liton Bitters.
Mix together the following ingredients, and let stand for 5
weeks. Gentian, 4 ounces. Orange peel, 4 ounces, Columbo,
4 ounces.Camomile Flowers,4 ounces. Quassia,4ounces,.burnt
Sugar,1 pound. Whiskey,2^ gallons. Bottle the clear liquor.
Essence ofBitters. |
Yz lb. dried Orange peel.
X lb. Orange Apples.
Y lb. Gentian Root.
X lb. Lemon peel, ground to powder.
Macerate for ten days. Add one gallon of pure spirit. Strain
and add one quart of soft water.
"Pick-Me-Up" Bitters.
1 oz. Angostura Bark.
1 oz. Orange Peel.
1 oz. Lemon Peel.
1 oz. Chireta.
X oz. Chamomile Flowers.
X oz. Cinnamon Bark.
X oz. Cardamom Seeds.
X oz. Carraway Seeds.
4lbs. Raisins.
IX gallons Spirits(11 U.P.).
Macerate for a month,then press and filter.
Bum Bitters.
1 lb. Raisins.
3 oz. bruised Cinnamon.
' «
1 oz. Virginia Snake Root.
Juice of 1 Orange and 1 Lemon.
20 Cloves.
Digest in Rum for 2 months.