1D example
( )
( ) (
( )
) (
' d '
2D cartesian
', '
' d 'd '
2D polar Google Hankel transforms!
3D cartesian
, ,
', ', '
f g x
f x g x x x
f g x y
f x y g x x y y x y
f g x y z
f x y z g x x y y
− −
− −
− −
' d ' d 'dz '
z z x y
− − −
Convolution - an averaging
operation where at each point
a weighted mean of the
original function is calculated.
The (invariant!!!) weighting
function is often called kernel.
Calculation techniques:
Convolutions - many dose calculation problems can be approximated as convolutions
(invariant kernel -> for homogeneous media):