January 2017
Top projects
Trevor Farber, COO
of Alphamin Bisie Mining
(ABM), Alphamin’s DRC sub-
sidiary, briefs miners at the
return airway drive face.
The Bisie camp. All the
structures have been built by
local labour using materials
sourced locally.
Bridge constructed
by Alphamin over the
Biruwe River.
access the site but we will be putting in an
airstrip early in 2017.”
Over the past few months Alphamin has cut
a road alignment through to its camp at Bisie, a
task which has involved it in building several
timber bridges. The route can now accommo-
date 20-tonne loads but still needs further work
to make it fit for the demands of building a new
mine, which will involve heavy loads of equip-
ment being transported to site. Kamstra notes,
incidentally, that the new road has been built
by locally recruited workers (around 450 of
them), who have been largely responsible for
designing and constructing the bridges, which
he describes as “works of art”.
While the logistics challenges of Bisie are
not insignificant, they are nevertheless being