AT the Examinations held on the 2nd and 3rd
February under The Legal Practitioners' (Quali
fication) Act, 1929,
the following passed the
examinations :—
First Examination in Irish.
Thomas H. Bacon.
Patrick Begley.
H. R. Blakeney.
Martin J. Cahill.
Kevin J. Callanan.
Hubert A. J. Fetherstonhaugh.
Desmond G. Houston.
Joseph M. MacGrath.
Richard H. McDonnell.
Liam O. McMenamin.
Philip T. Meagher.
Mary Mooney.
John J. O'Connor.
Eileen Prendiville.
Thomas Shields.
Patrick E. Thornton.
Second Examination in Irish.
William B. Alien.
James P. McD. Concannon.
Toirleach de Valera.
Desmond J. A. Dowdall.
Donal V. Goulding.
Patrick T. Listen.
William B. Malone.
Timothy J. O'Donoghue.
Michael M. Phelan.
Cecil E. Prentice, B.A.T.CJD.
Hyman Tarlo, B.A.T.C.D.
John A. Thornton.
David Twomey.
THE High Court Easter Sittings will commence
on Monday, April 16th.
JUNIOR class lectures will commence on Monday,
16th April at 2.15 p.m.
Senior class lectures will commence on Tuesday,
17th April at 2.15 p.m.
THE Calendar and Law Directory for 1945 is
on sale. After supplying for orders received, a
limited number of copies are available and orders
will be accepted for these copies. Price 5/—, post
free 5/6.
(1) Entries will be accepted from solicitors for the
Registry under the following headings :—Sec
tion A.—Practices for sale, partnerships and
assistantships vacant; Section B.—Practices,
partnerships and assistantships sought; Section
C.—Miscellaneous information required, books,
office equipment, etc., wanted or for sale. (2) Each
entry accepted will be made in the appropriate
section of the register which is open for inspection
at the Society's offices during business hours.
Each entry accepted will also be published once
in the Society's
If the advertiser wishes
the entry and advertisement in the
may be
over a box number. (3) Charges for each entry in
the Register (including one publication in the
Gazette) :
members of the Society 3/-
for 30 words or less and Id. for each additional
word over 30. Other solicitors double the rate
for members of the Society. (4) Replies to entries
in the Register and advertisements will not be
forwarded by the Society unless postage is pre
paid. (5) Replies to advertisements should be
marked with the appropriate Box No. and ad
dressed to the Society. (6) The use of the Registry
by solicitors is subject to general conditions,
copies of which may be obtained from the
SOLICITOR (Qualified 1941) practising alone would be in
terested in good partnership or practice for sale.
Box No. B.103
SOLICITOR, young and experienced, desires Partnership.
Would consider arrangement with Practitioner contem
plating retirement. Strictest confidence.
Box No. B.104.
ALL Communications
connected with THB GAZETTE
should be addressed
the Secretary of the Society,
Solicitor'1 Buildings, Four Courti, Dublin.
Telephone: 73092.