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Diogenes and the Slave.

Diogenes belonged to a Greek sect called th e


They were well-known for th e ir severe m anners,

and declared th a t th e y did not care for the* com forts and elegances of life. By day, Diogenes used to walk

through the streets of A thens, w ith a stick in his hand, and a bag on his shou ld ers; and by n igh t he slept

in a


He sa t un d er th e


of the houses in th e rain, and w ould som etim es em brace snow statu es in

winter to show how little he cared for cold.

Once he w as#seen runn ing through the city in broad d ay light with a lighted la n tern in his hand.


being asked w hat he was looking for, he answered, “ 1 am looking for a


H e h u rrie d on till he

came in front of th e T em ple of


Seeing a p riest stand ing at th e gate, he cried to h im : “Take pity

on me and give me some money to help me in my old age.” “ Let my


be enough for you, my son ,”

said the priest, going in to the temple.

The ph ilo soph er n ex t stopped in fron tof a shop where all sorts of fine

th ing s were to be seen.

An elegantly dressed lady vas buying a great m any things, and Diogenes said to h er: “Y ou are spending

vour money on you r pleasures, m a d am ; will you not take p ity ona poor old man who is hun g ry and co ld ?”

“Truly,” said she, “ I p ity you; take th is, and buy some b read .” So saying she gave him a farth in g , at the

same tim e pay ing twelve shillings for a


for her dog.

A prince n ex t passed in a magnificent carriage. Diogenes ran up, and seizing the door of the carriage,

cried, “ Stay, m igh ty prince, and h ear m e." “ Get away you fool,” shouted the prince, “ or m y horses will

trample you dow n.”

A slave who


passing, pulled the old m an from th e door of the carriage, at thesame tim e

dropping a h alfp e n n y into

his hat. “ H eav en s,” cried the philosopher, “ I have at last found am an, and

that man is a slav e.” So saying he p u t ou t his lan tern and went away,

c y n i c ,

Kyniker. —

t u b



e a v e s ,

Tagskæg. —


, her: Menneske. —

c h a r i t y

, Barmhjertighed. —


b l e s s ,

at velsigne. —

c o l l a r

, Halsbaand.

Realeksamen og Pi geskol eeksamen i Ma j - J u l i 1924.

Dansk Stil.

Fortæ l noget om, hvilken Indbyd else V interen h a r paa vortL andsDyreliv.

Realeksamen i Ma j - Juli 1 92 4 .

Regning og Matematik.

1 1). 14. Maj sæ lger en Mand i en Batik en 3 Maaneders Veksel, der lyder p aa 23736 Kr. og er u d ste d t

d. 24. April.

Hvor ineget faar han for den, n aar D iskontoen er 6 pC t. p. a., og B anken skal have


pCt. af

Vekslens p aalyd end e Værdi i P rovision?

S amm e Dag (14. Maj) køber han 6000 Kr. 4 pG't.s O bligationer (Term iner “ /e, 11/ia) til K u rs 93Vs

og 5000 Kr. A ktier til K urs 112 sam t saa mange 4 Va pC t.s Obligationer (T erm iner Vi,

lh )

å 2000 Kr.

til Kurs 90, som han kan faa for Resten af Pengene. Ved K øbet af O bligationer og A ktier betales

der en K u rtage af 1 p. m.

H vor

m ange 4VapC t.s Obligationer å 2000 Kr. køberhan, og hvor meget har h an tilbage?

2. Af en Varemængde sælges a/s for 3,36 Kr. pr. kg trieden F o rtjen este af 12 pCt. Resten sælges for ialt

1735,65 Kr. med et T ab af 5 pCt.

Hvor meget havde 1 kg kostet i Indkøb ,hvor mange kg

ind eho ld tV aremængden, og hvor mange

pCt. tje n te s der ved hele H and elen ?

3. Forkort Brøken

a2 — 3


- f 2



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tøngelsk Version.