March 2014 - page 91

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March 2014
The company will also be showcasing the
Pexidan UL-quali ed range of insulation
grades from Saco Polymers at the show.
AEI Compounds Ltd – UK
AESA Cortaillod
Stand: 10B38
A wide range of testing equipment
to automatically master the electrical
characterisation of cables and wires is
available from AESA Cortaillod, as well
as applications to ensure a centralised
and complete quality and process data
management. AESA services include,
among others, its own ISO17025 certi ed
laboratory. On display at wire 2014 will be:
LAN cables: Cobalt, a balunless ATE
(automatic test equipment), gets around
the restrictions of the traditional method
and opens the door to an e cient
quali cation of LAN and patch cables.
Traditional balun equipment for LAN,
xDSL, coaxial or telephone cables is also
ful l speci c norms and constraints.
AESA equipment simpli es the cable
quali cation in production or in the eld
by combining several measurements
and taking into consideration the cable
construction particularities.
Linear resistance: Cable manufacturers
produce not only bars, but also exible
braids, stranded insulated conductors
and enamelled wires, among others.
Measuring these cables requires additional
skills and constraints, otherwise results
are not repetitive or even incorrect.
Using integrated equipment allows
mastering of the uncertainties related to
the connecting device, then ensuring the
overall measurement, on the line or in the
Cable management system: Most of the
data to be processed in the cable industry
is not related to quantities but to length.
AESA proposes a speci c integrated data
management system allowing capture,
remote visualisation, evaluation and
traceability of the quality and process
information to suit the speci c needs of
this market.
Cortaillod – Switzerland
Agibi Progetti
Stand: 16G19
The new range of chamber furnaces from
Agibi Progetti is designed to allow an
a ordable heat treatment of springs with
low energy consumption.
The picture shows a furnace with six
stations for the automatic load, a chamber
of 1,300dm³ and a total power installed of
34kW. The treatment parameters, like time
and temperature, are programmable for
each station.
Moreover, the particular modular design
allows increasing the number of the
stations at any time according to the
production needs. A furnace like this can
treat during one night 7.5t of springs of
di erent sizes.
Solutions from AESA Cortaillod
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