Sherry Sour.
Put into a small tumbler one teaspoonful of sugar,
the juice and rind of a quarter of a lemon, one wine-
glassful of sherry, and nearly fill the tumbler with
crushed ice. Shake, strain, and dashwith strawberry
Ho?ne Ruler
was a favourite drink at the bars of the House of
Commons, during the reign of the Uncrowned
The yolks of two eggs, well beaten, were placed
in a large tumbler, a little sifted sugar was added,
and a small tumblerful of hot milk was gradually
stirred into the mixture. Last of all a large wine-
glassful of "John Jameson " was added.
A curious recipe comes from Switzerland, an
elaborate method of
Burning Brandy.,
or any other spirit but gin.
Cut the top off a lemon, and hollow out the
interior with the handle-end of a spoon. Place the
empty cone thus formed by the skin on the top of a
large wine-glass. Fill the cone with brandy, rum,
or whisky ; take a fork, balance a piece of sugar on
the prongs, set the spirit alight, and hold the sugar
over the flame until it has melted into the cone.
Then take a skewer, and pierce a small hole in the
base of the cone. When all the spirit has trickled
into the glass, throw the cone away, and drink the