A Doctor^
which is a cold edition of the above, and may
also be made with brandy or whisky. In
A Surgeon-Major^
which is a still more valuable—and more expensive
—restorative, two eggs are used, and the tumbler
is filled upwith the choicest brand of champagne
kept on the premises.
Blue Blazer
isa " grateful, comforting " drink in cold weather.
And it is advisable that the nerves of the mixer
be in thoroughly good order, and that he (or she)
be steady of hand.
Put into a silver cup, which has been previously
heated, awine-glassful of Scotch whisky (proof) and
one wine-glassful of boiling water; set on fire, and
have ready another cup, also heated, and pass the
blazing liquid from one cup to the other, three or
four times. Serve in a small tumbler with a little
sugar and lemon.
If a good dispensing chemist be within easy
reach, the searcher after the hidden truth may
try a
Beat two eggs with a little honey in a jug, add a
pinch ofground cloves and aliqueur-glass of cura^oa ;
then add, beating all the time, one pint ofburgundy
made boiling hot. Dust with nutmeg.