when it is about to be sealed up will greatly improve
the wine." Then what sort of a temperance drink
can Elderberry Punch be ? No more on that head,
in the name of St. Wilfrid.
I also read, in the work of reference from
which I am quoting, under the same heading,
"Temperance Drinks," that :—
"Many of the British wines, mixed with an
equal quantity of water, with a little ice, make
very cool and refreshing drinks." Very, very
likely. But can there be wine without fermen
tation ? And are the total abstainers, not content
with drinking alcoholic gingerade and stone
ginger-beer, getting the wedge in still furtlier.
Forbid it !
Cold Spring-water
is a m.ost excellent drink, and according to so
great an authority as Sir Henry Thompson, not
only the cheapest drink in the world but the
best. For my own poor part I prefer milk-
And as the Scotchman said, I have
" tried baith."