ESTRO 36 2017
Oncology, New Delhi, India
Humanitas Research Hospital and Cancer Center,
Radiation Oncology, Milan-Rozzano, Italy
Purpose or Objective
The possibility to deliver intensity modulated plans using
most of the 4-pi space, i.e. with extensive use of non-
coplanar beams and complex trajectories for the couch-
gantry-collimator system, has been explored on
stereotactic irradiation in the brain, lungs and prostate
and have shown significantly sharper dose gradients. The
applicability of 4p techniques to large target volumes with
volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatments
remains unaddressed for head and neck cancer (HNC). The
aim of this work is to explore the feasibility and
deliverability of multi-isocentric 4-pi VMAT (4pi-VMAT)
plans in comparison with coplanar VMAT (CP-VMAT) plans
for the irradiation of HNC patients characterized by large
targets and the presence of several organs at risk.
Material and Methods
25 previously treated patients of HNC were planned to
achieve the highest dosimetric plan quality with 2 full
coplanar VMAT arcs (CP-VMAT) on 6MV from a Clinac-iX
(Varian), planned with Eclipse version 13.1, calculated
with Acuros. 4pi-VMAT plans were then generated using
same priorities and objectives, using 1 full arc and 4-6
non-coplanar arcs on 2-3 isocenters: typically 1 full arc
with couch at 0°, 2 partial arcs (length of ±210°) with
couch ~±45°, and 2 partial arcs (length of ±250°) with
couch ~±15°. Dose was prescribed on three levels: 70,
60/63, and 56 Gy on targets of median volumes of 720,
492, and 94 cm
, respectively. The following organs at risk
(OAR) were defined and analyzed: parotids, oral cavity,
esophagus, trachea, larynx, pharyngeal constrictor
muscles, mandible, temporomandibular joint, middle ear,
spinal cord and brain stem. Pre-treatment quality
assurance was performed to assess deliverability and
accuracy of the 4pi-VMAT plans.
CP-VMATand 4pi-VMAT plans achieved the same degree of
coverage for all target volumes related to near-to-
minimum and near-to-maximum doses. 4pi-VMAT plans
resulted in an improved sparing of OARs. The average
mean dose reduction to the parotids, larynx, oral cavity
and pharyngeal muscles were 3Gy, 4Gy, 5Gy and 4.3Gy
respectively. The average maximum dose reduction to the
brain stem, spinal cord and oral cavity was 6.0Gy, 3.8Gy
and 2.4Gy respectively. The average MUs were 525±78 and
548±70 for 4pi-VMAT and CP-VMAT, respectively. The
average simulated beam on time for 4pi-VMAT plans
(612±77 s) was 3.7 times higher than that of CP-VMAT
plans (167±30 s). Pre-treatment QA results showed that
plans can be reliably delivered with mean gamma
agreement index of 97.0±1.1% with 3% dose difference and
3% distance to agreement criteria.
4pi-VMATplans significantly decrease dose-volume metrics
for relevant OARs and results are technically feasible and
reliable from a dosimetric standpoint. Early clinical
experience has begun.
PO-0832 The impact of variable RBE and breathing
control in proton radiotherapy of breast cancer
J. Odén
, K. Eriksson
, A.M. Flejmer
, A. Dasu
, I. Toma-
Stockholm University, Department of Medical Radiation
Physics, Stockholm, Sweden
RaySearch Laboratories, Department of Research,
Stockholm, Sweden
Linköping University, Department of Oncology and
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,
Linköping, Sweden
The Skandion Clinic, Uppsala, Sweden
Karolinska Institutet, Department of Oncology and
Pathology, Stockholm, Sweden
Purpose or Objective
Proton therapy, with or without breathing control
techniques, may be used to reduce the cardiopulmonary
burden in breast cancer radiotherapy. However, such
studies typically assume a constant RBE of 1.1 for protons.
This study aims to assess the impact of using a variable
RBE in breast proton radiotherapy and to evaluate the
sensitivity to respiratory motion when no breathing
control is applied.
Material and Methods
Tangential photon IMRT and 3-fields proton IMPT plans for
breast radiotherapy were generated for twelve patients,
both on a free-breathing (FB) CT and on a CT using breath-
hold-at-inhalation (BHI). 2 Gy(RBE) per fraction in 25
fractions were planned to the whole breast. The physical
proton dose was optimized assuming a constant RBE of 1.1.
Besides the constant RBE of 1.1, the variable RBE-model
by Wedenberg et al. (2013), assuming an α/β of 3.5 Gy for
the CTV/PTV and 3 Gy for the OARs, was used for plan
evaluation. Subsequently, the FB plans were recalculated
on the CT images of the two extreme phases (inhale and
exhale) to evaluate the sensitivity of a treatment delivery
without breathing control.
All photon and constant RBE proton plans met the clinical
goals with similar target coverage. The target conformity
and homogeneity of the proton plans were superior to the
photon plans. The plan quality was generally independent
on whether the FB or BHI CT-scan was used. However, if
the heart was close to the target, the BHI plan lowered
the dose to the left anterior descending (LAD) artery in
most cases. Applying the variable RBE-model resulted in
an average of the mean RBE of 1.18 for the PTV and also
increased the heterogeneity. The predicted RBE values in
the OARs were also substantially higher than 1.1.
However, due to the low physical doses, this is expected
to have a minor impact. The dosimetric parameters for the
BHI plans are shown in Table 1.
The recalculation of the FB plans on the extreme phases
generally resulted in minor differences for the CTV
coverage and OAR doses for the proton plans. Small CTV
volumes may, however, receive a slightly lower dose for
the recalculated photon FB plans. The ranges of
dosimetric parameters for the FB plan for one patient are
shown in Table 2.