ESTRO 36 2017
H. Matsutani
, T. Shimbo
, H. Yoshioka
, N. Yoshikawa
K. Yoshida
, M. Nakata
, T. Hamada
, T. Komori
, Y.
, Y. Uesugi
Osaka Medical College, Radiation Oncology, Osaka,
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, Medical
treatment for health, Kashihara, Japan
Purpose or Objective
is one of Japanese traditional Kampo
medicine which is composed of five kinds of herbal
medicines. TJ-17 has been found to suppress the abnormal
water movement through the aquaporin inhibitory effect
and an anti-inflammatory effect. Recently, TJ-17 has been
indicated for cerebral edema and chronic subdural
hematoma, and appears its effects soon. We have
investigated whether the TJ-17 is effective in radiation
Material and Methods
TJ-17 (7.5g/day) was administered 68 patients who
received radiation therapy for the whole pelvis. The
median age was 64 years old (range; 50-88). Fifty cases
were male and eighteen cases were female. Sixty cases
(92.6%) were combined chemotherapy (cisplatin and/or
gemcitabine), eight cases received radiation alone. When
patients showed the diarrhea grade 2 or more in the CTCAE
v4.0, we administered TJ-17 without stopping radiation
therapy. After prescription, we examined the number of
defecation and stool property using a Bristol stool scale.
All patients showed grade 2 or more diarrhea during
radiation therapy.
At the time of prescription, the median irradiation dose
was 23Gy (range; 12-44). Before the administration, the
median stool frequency was eight times (range; 4-20).
Eighteen cases was type 6 (mushy stool), and fifteen cases
was type 7 (watery) in the Bristol stool scale, the median
scale was type 7 (average; 6.7). Bloody stools were
observed in six cases. After one week administration of TJ-
17, fifty-three cases (77.9%) were improved the
symptoms. In improved group, the median of decrease in
the number of stool frequency was four times (range; 1-
19), and the median Bristol stool scale was type 6
(average; 5.4). Bloody stools were disappeared in three of
6 cases (50%). By using the Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficient, from the appearance enteritis
symptoms, it showed a correlation of moderate to start
administering the TJ-17 earlier.
Japanese traditional Kampo medicines Goreisan (TJ-17)
was effective against in acute radiation enteritis.
EP-1421 Outcome by prognostic factors of AVM
treated with LINAC:18 years experience, Spanish
S. Cafiero
Clinica de Occidente, Radiation Oncology, Santiago de
Cali, Colombia
Purpose or Objective
Outcomes of cerebral arteriovenous malformations
(cAVMs) treated with SRS by using LINAC, and results
according to the Spetzler-Martin (SM) grading system and
the Pollock-Flickinger (PF) score, in a series of patients
(pts) from Onkologikoa in Spain
Material and Methods
1995 to 2013, 320 pts with cAVMs treated with SRS by using
a Clinac 21EX . Mean age 40 years ( 9-76), 61% men and
39% women. 57% of cAMVs in an eloquent area, 93% at
the surface site (hemispheric/corpus callosum/cerebellar)
and 7% at a deep site (basal ganglia/thalamus/
brainstem). Prior embolization in 36% of pts. A deep
venous drainage was in 30% of cAVMs. The cAVM nidus
volume PTV was divided into 3 groups: 0-2 cc (30.3%), 2.1
to 5 cc (31.6%), and > 5cc (32,5%). Mean margin dose 15
Gy ( 12-18 Gy) and the maximal 30 Gy
PF<1: complete 60% , partial 35%, no change 4.5%; PF
1.01-1.5: complete 43.5%, partial 47.5% , no change 9%;
PF 1.51-2: complete 45%, partial 50%, no change 5%; PF
> 2: 1.5% complete, partial 78.5%, no change 6.1%.
PF <1: 2.4%; PF 1.01-1.5: 3%; PF 1.51-2: 3.8% and PF >
2 had no rebleeding,
PF <1: acute 13.5%, late 10,6% (clinical 4.7% radiological
3.5%, radiological and clinical 2.4%); PF 1.01-1.5: acute
16%, late 13% (clinical 8%, radiological 2%, clinical and
radiological 3%); PF 1.51-2: acute 11.5%, late 12%
(clinical 5%, radiological 3.5%, radiological and clinical
3.5%); PF > 2 : acute 17.5%, late 21% (clinical 18%,
clinical and radiological
toxicity 3%)
Grade I: complete 65%, partial 35%; Grade II: 50%
complete, partial 45%, no change 5%; Grade III:
complete 46% , partial 46% ,no change 8%; Grade IV :
complete 17% , partial 72 % , no change 11%, and Grade
V: any complete obliteration.
Grade I: 5%, Grade II: 1,4%, Grade III: 3%, Grade IV: 13.%,
Grade V no rebleeding.
Grade I: acute 12.5%, late 8.6% (clinical 4.3% ,
radiological 4.3%); Grade II: acute 3.7% , late 14%
(clinical 7.5%, radiological 4%, radiological and clinical
2.5%); Grade III: acute 19.5 % , late 14%(clinical
4% radiological 3%, clinical and radiological 7%); Grado
IV: acute 21%, late 29.5% (clinical 23.5 %, radiological
and clinical 6%); Grade V: acute 100%, and no late
The experience of this single Institution are consistent
with those published in the literature , low rate of
rebleeding, acceptable toxicity, and obliteration rate
that varies with the nidus size and the prognostic factors
according to the (SM) and the (PF)
EP-1422 Pregnancy outcomes in cancer patients
received radiotherapy: a nationwide population-based
Y.J. Chiang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital- Linkou, Department of
Radiation Oncology, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Purpose or Objective
To estimate the risks of adverse maternal outcomes in
female cancer patients received radiotherapy (RT)
compared with women without malignancy.
Material and Methods
We identified 2,350,335 singleton pregnancy using Taiwan
National Health Insurance Database and Taiwan Birth
Registry between 2001 and 2012, of which 607 pregnancies
were in female cancer patients with RT. Odds ratios (ORs)
and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for maternal outcomes
were estimated using generalized estimating equation
model adjusted by maternal age, Charlson comorbidity
index, urbanization, income, occupation and birth of year.
From 2001 to 2012, pregnancies in female cancer patients
received radiotherapy were associated with an adjusted
OR (95% CIs) of 1.46 (1.02-2.09) for severe postpartum
hemorrhage compared with women without malignancy.
Otherwise there were no significant increasing risks with
an adjusted OR of 0.95 (0.84-1.07) for Caesarean section,
0.56 (0.39-0.80) for preterm labor, 0.84 (0.64-1.11) for
antepartum hemorrhage, 0.48 (0.32-0.74) for pregnancy