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will be able to hold the latter, and when good times

come, don't try to increase your revenue by handling

a cheaper grade of goods—keep everything up to the

standard, even though the profits are less, for by

that means you will establish a reputation that will

stand you in good stead.

If your cafe is in a business district your expenses

will be larger and your working Iiours will be

shorter, and your ability to do a large amount of

business within a short time will be tested to its

capacity. You will have to figure on losing all holi

days and Sundays—providing you are in a city where

you are permitted to remain open on Sunday—and

you will also lose half a day on Saturday in the

summer months. You are further handicapped by

having to pay full wages in nine cases out of ten,

your rent is not decreased, and your running ex

penses will not be materially lessened, except in the

item of lights, which is not a considerable one.

All of these conditions will have to be met and


If you have an establishment where you open early

and keep open late the problem is naturally much

easier, for even with two shifts of help the oppor

tunities for profit are increased, and a bad day may

be more than overcome by a busy evening.

And another and most important thing: Don't

think because you are doing a good business that you

will be able to let up a little, for the better the busi-