207-767-7650 •
www.southportland.orgJunior Golf Team
Wednesdays June 24 - August 5
The purpose of this program is to develop interest in registering a PGA Jr. League team from the South Portland Golf Course in future
years. If we have enough interest this season we would register a team next year.
This team is open to Boys and Girls ages 9 - 13. The First Tee participants must be Par level or above. Non First Tee participants
should know how to play golf and know the concepts of playing golf matches.
There will be 1 practice per week, Wednesdays at 2:30pm. We will attempt to schedule home and away matches with teams from
other courses that already have, or are trying to develop, a PGA Jr. League program. If we can’t get matches we will hold a match
within our own program. Practice will include playing a 9 hole round in a 2 person team scramble match format. Matches will also
be 2 person team scramble format.
Register for this program at
www.southportland.orgor at the South Portland Community Center
Practice Wednesdays 2:30pm, Matches 1 per week at various times
South Portland Municipal Golf Course, Matches at TBA
16 players
Resident $100 Non- Resident $110
Cost for First Tee Registered Participants:
**Register for The First Tee at
www.thefirstteemaine.orgprior to registering for this program.
*Parents will transport players to matches at other courses.
Kevin Adams