March 2015
Construction Equipment & Transport
International construction
equipment manufacturer
Chicago Pneumatic has
launched its largest ever
range of portable generators,
designed to provide a safe and
stable power supply for every
type of worksite.
he range comes in two distinct
lines. The new Pro Line in-
cludes Professional, Advanced
and Advanced+ models offering
powerful performance for all-day,
intensive heavy-duty applications
and provides different levels of func-
tionality, depending on the needs of
the user. The Standard Line contains
a simple, straightforward petrol gen-
erator designed for occasional use.
Among the generators within the
newPro Line is the CPPGProfessional
model, designed for continuous us-
age and available either with a petrol
or diesel engine. Users are protected
by an optional Earth Leakage Relay
(ELR) in both types of engine, while
Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)
is an option for the petrol-engine
unit that ensures consistent electri-
cal output.
The CPPG Advanced generator,
with petrol and diesel engine op-
tions, is built for intensive all day
operation. The generator benefits
from more advanced features and
additional protection to extend its
life expectancy and safety, making it
particularly well suited to the rigours
of the rental market. Alongside AVR,
the CPPG Advanced model protects
its users with an isometer protec-
tion and thermal protection circuit
breaker, as well as incorporating an
intuitive instrumentation panel, elec-
tric key start and a number of alarm
and shutdown options.
Designed to a high standard,
the CPPG Advanced+ generator is
enclosed and soundproofed for the
most demanding, dusty or heavily
populated locations, as well as com-
plying with European noise regula-
tions. The petrol-only CPPG Standard
Line, launched in 2014, is ideally
suited for private and professional us-
ers who occasionally need a portable
generator. Straightforward and sim-
ple, CPPG Standard generators are
designed to provide stable electrical
output and safe, user-friendly opera-
tion over a long service life and come
equipped with large, reinforced fuel
tanks, ergonomic handles and AVR.
Commenting on the launch, Prod-
uct Marketing Manager for Chicago
Pneumatic, Daniel Escuer, said: “By
launching our widest ever range of
portable generators, we believe we
can offer the construction industry
the best possible choice, depending
on their budget and their require-
ments. The models within both lines
have different features but what
they all have in common is reliable
performance, robust build quality
and simple operation to ensure users
can complete their jobs quickly and
effectively when on site. In this way
they perfectly underline our position
as a trusted partner for the construc-
tion industry globally.”
Both the Standard Line and Pro
Line generators have been developed
through extensive field testing and re-
flect Chicago Pneumatic’s reputation
for equipment that is easy to operate
and maintain. Features include user-
friendly control panels and the option
of an hour counter to help monitor
maintenance schedules. Additionally,
thanks to their simple handle design,
the generators can be easily lifted or
transported on wheels.
All models also feature a strong
main frame with extra reinforcement
around sensitive components and a
protected electrical panel. Sockets
are also covered and recessed for
enhanced protection.
For further information go to
Chicago Pneumatic launches portable generators