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Revised 8/2016

community. The source of the publicity is the type of

media that you are using to spread your message.

Using the Media to Share Your Message

Mass media, such as radio, television, and

newspapers are what comes to mind when you

think of outside publicity sources. Sources outside

your club lend their own credibility and reputation to

your club’s activities. The general public, which has

never been involved with Ruritan, will respect the

newscaster’s or the reporter’s message as much or

more than your own.

Which medium is best for your club? There is no

easy answer to this question, but when deciding

how to publicize club events, consider the following


1) Size of your community. Many communities

do not have a local television or radio station,

but most have a daily or weekly newspaper.

2) How many people are you trying to reach?

How many people do you want to see your


3) Which media does your community rely on

for its local news and announcements?

4) What is your club’s budget for publicity?

Always remember that 10 volunteers pass­

ing out flyers may be more effective than a

$500 advertisement on your regional television


5) How much time do you have to plan public­

ity before an event?

Typically, media are rated by how many people

they reach. The following media list, in order from

least powerful to most powerful, may help you

decide which media to use. Also note that these are

also ranked from least expensive to most expensive,

whether the expense is mostly money or time that

your club needs to commit.


Flyers can be posted at local stores and on road

signs around your community. One volunteer can

accomplish this, if given enough time to canvass the

area. Don’t rule out a door-to-door campaign around

your community. It’s a great way to meet new people

and create support for Ruritan within the community.

Location is the key to getting your flyer read by

people. Good places for posting flyers include busy

intersections and local convenience stores (ask

permission first). Anywhere there is a lot of foot

traffic or automobile traffic is usually a good place for

your message.


Newspaper advertisements or features may work.

These are more expensive, but most newspapers

will design the advertisement or announcement for

you. Be sure to give the newspaper’s graphic arts

department a clean copy of the Ruritan emblem to

use in anything they may design for you. Also tell

them to keep the image on file for future use.


Radio is more expensive because of the potential

audience. Like newspapers, radio stations have a

sales department that will write and produce your

club’s advertisement or announcement. You should

always request to hear the announcement before

the broadcast. When working with the radio sales

department, try to work in “America’s Leading

Community Service Organization” or “Serving

America (or your community) since 1928 (or the year

your club was chartered).”


Television is the most powerful mass media your

club can purchase with money. Television can reach

hundreds of thousands of people for pennies per


but imagine how much money that may cost

your club!

If you’re planning a television commercial,

talk with the sales department about what you’d

like to see. At this level, you are only limited by

your imagination and how much money you want to

spend on the project.

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is truly the most powerful piece in

your public relations tool kit. People, as a class,

tend to trust what their friends, relatives, and co-

workers say. There is no better way to build a lasting

public relations program than with word of mouth.

This public relations tool is listed last, because

word of mouth is the most expensive medium to

master if you consider the time involved. To be really

successful, each member of your Ruritan club should

introduce one person to the ideals of Ruritan each

day. How long would it take your club to tell every

person in the community about Ruritan? How many

of these people would consider joining your club?