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Revised 8/2016


Collect Local Media Contacts

Collect the following information for each radio

station, TV station, and newspaper that covers

your club’s service area. Use the contacts to get

your events and news covered by local media.



Phone: ____________________________

Publication schedule: __________________

Day and Time Deadlines for Articles: ______


Contact Person: _____________________

Other Info: _________________________

Radio Station:


Phone: ____________________________

Lead time for Public Service Announcements:


Contact Person: _____________________

Other Info: _________________________

Television Station:


Phone: ____________________________

Lead time for Public Service Announcements:


Contact Person: _____________________

Other Info: _________________________

The most expensive time to buy advertising on the

radio is called “drive time.” This is the three hours as

people are going to work and the three hours when

people are driving home from work. These are the

times when your announcement will be heard by the

greatest audience, but you might have to pay more

for the extra audience. Compare the costs of drive

time to the radio station’s late night (midnight to 6

a.m.) and daytime advertising rates. Consider both

your budget and audience when deciding which time

slot is right for your message.

Tips on Public Service Announcements

Radio stations have time set aside for public

service announcements and sometimes radio

stations will run your announcements as a public

service announcement or PSA. The key to getting

the radio station to agree to run your announce­

ment this way is to convince the station manager

that your club performs a public service to the

community. Explain what your club has contributed

to the community in the past, giving specific names

of people in your community who have benefited

from scholarships, fundraisers, or other community

service projects.

Another tactic to try is giving away tickets to club

events on the air. If your club is planning a great

public event or a special community fundraising

meal, ask the radio station to assist in promoting the

event in return for free tickets. If the radio station

gives away tickets to your fundraising event, it

generates publicity for your club and ultimately more

ticket sales.

Many stations also broadcast a calendar of

upcoming community events. This provides a great

opportunity to spread news of your club’s activities

to a large number of radio listeners at no cost.

If your community has cable television, contact your

local cable company about placing an advertisement

or announcement on the local access channel.

Cable television companies are required by law to

provide some form of local access channel, usually

as a scroll or listing of community events. Many

times a cable company will block out certain times

just for free community service announcements.

Couldn’t your Ruritan club take advantage of this

free time on cable television?

Big Media and Big Money

Radio and broadcast television reach thousands

of people, but expect the costs of your advertising

to increase dramatically over newspaper and local

cable television advertising. Radio stations and

broadcast television both base their advertising rates

on how many


of audience members will

receive your message. Most radio stations (and

some television stations) will write and produce an

announcement or advertisement for you, usually for

an additional cost.

Since costs for radio and broadcast television

advertisements vary from community to community,

the best way to get rate information is to contact the

sales departments of your local media. Remember,

always tell the salesperson about Ruritan. Volunteer

community service organizations sometimes get

preferred advertising rates or even free advertising

during off-peak hours.