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Revised 8/2016


Section 5: Building an Image

Section 6: Handouts and Flyers

Keep Ruritan in the Eyes of the Community

At any Ruritan event and on every Ruritan

publication, flier, or sign display the Ruritan emblem.

Every time this emblem is used, Ruritan becomes

more recognizable and its accomplishments better

known. Ruritan Supply in Dublin, Virginia, maintains

a large stock of low cost cardboard Ruritan emblems

in several sizes. Reusable plastic emblems and road

signs are also available.

In addition, Ruritan Week church bulletin inserts,

flags, and other available items can help your club

improve the visibility of Ruritan in your community.

Ruritan road signs in your area should be well-

maintained and attractive. This doesn’t mean that

your club should invest all its funds into fancy

displays. Just make sure your signs reflect the club’s

pride in its Ruritan accomplishments.

Another great way to boost the image of Ruritan

in your community is to wear Ruritan hats, vests, or

other clothing while working at community service

projects and fundraisers. Ruritan Supply, at the

Ruritan National Office in Dublin, Virginia, stocks

many attractive Ruritan items for every season.

The Membership Pin

Wearing your membership pin is another way

of increasing Ruritan awareness in your commu­

nity. The distinctive “R” emblem is an eye-catching

testament to your dedication to the community.

Wear your membership pin to work, church, or to

other social occasions and soon someone will ask

you what the pin stands for. Then you can tell them

about your Ruritan club, and the accomplishments

that have made your community a better place to


After you’ve explained the pin and Ruritan

membership, invite the person to your next club

meeting. Wearing your membership pin may be the

way you meet your next best friend.

Rollin’ Down the Road

Ruritan automobile decals, car flags, and license

plate tags are also available to help you spread the

Ruritan image. Others in your community could be

seeing Ruritan “fellowship, goodwill, and community

service” at the next stoplight.

Image Building Basics

It may seem that displaying the Ruritan emblem

in all these ways is going to drive your community

crazy. But think for a moment. We are surrounded

and bombarded by other emblems everyday.

There’s a reason that emblems (whether it’s a logo

on a soft drink bottle or a Ruritan road sign) are all

around us: these devices work.

Can you spot your favorite products instantly in

a lineup with similar products? This is called brand

identity. If you answered “yes,” you’ve experienced

the association of a product with its emblem or logo.

When building an image for Ruritan in your

community, it’s important to use the emblem as often

as possible. Try to use the blue and gold colors of

Ruritan too or the distinctive colors of the Ruritan

road sign. Building the “brand identity” of Ruritan can

go a long way in helping your club accomplish its


Inexpensive Ways to Create Publicity

You don’t have to spend a lot of your club’s

resources to spread your public relations message

to the community. While mass media will reach

the greatest amount of people, other economical

methods can also be very effective.

Flyers posted around your community are an easy

way to advertise your club’s events. Flyers should be

easy to read from a distance and are usually more

effective if printed on colored paper. Use the Ruritan

emblem and make the name of your club as large as

possible to get people’s attention.

Include the name of the event (for example: 10th

Annual Fish Fry), the time and location of the event

(for example: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the local community

center or your Ruritan club house), and any other

details people may want to know (such as admission

prices, if any.) Try to put a telephone number on the

flyer, so people can call for more information. Flyers

are the cheapest form of advertising available.

Local print shops or copy shops can produce

attractive flyers for your event at the cost of a few

cents per page.

As mentioned before, the key to getting the most

from your flyers is location. Be sure to place flyers in

places with a large amount of foot traffic. The more

people who see your message, the more people

you’ll have at your event.