Revised 8/2016
A Ruri-Teen club requires a commitment from the sponsoring Ruritan Club which rivals that of parents to
children. Understanding and accepting this responsibility is essential.
One or more sponsoring Ruritan club member is encouraged to attend:
Organizational meeting.
Charter night meeting.
Subsequent regular club meetings.
Ruri-Teen board of directors’ meetings serving as an advisor (without voting privileges) for the club.
A key sponsoring Ruritan Club member must ensure that:
Charter application and Charter fee are submitted to Ruritan National at least 20 days prior to charter
Charter meeting report is completed and mailed within 3 days (This report sets dues amount and club
meeting date, applies for IRS identification number and documents the official acceptance of Ruri-Teen
Open charter month report is completed and mailed within 3 days of each meeting held during the period
between charter meeting and charter closing meeting.
Charter closing meeting report is completed and mailed within 3 days.
Charter members and officers document lists EACH charter member and officer and is mailed to Ruritan
National in a timely manner (This document becomes the official record of the club).
Additional reports as may be requested are completed and submitted on time and that all dues and fees
are collected and submitted on time.
Guidelines to Organize
New Ruri-Teen Clubs
1. Call the district governor of the district where the club will be organized. Request that the youth coordi‑
nator and the growth & development chair be advised of this.
2. Ask a Ruritan Club to sponsor the Ruri-Teen Club and explain the benefits and responsibilities to the
sponsoring club. Obtain a written commitment from the sponsoring club who will work with the new Ruri-
Teen Club for the life of the club.
3. The Ruritan National Board of Directors, having reviewed the successes of the Ruri-Teen Clubs, recog‑
nizes the necessity of Ruritan Club sponsorship for continued growth of a Ruri-Teen Club (see responsibili‑
ties below).
4. Talk to the principal of the high school to get his/her approval to organize the Ruri-Teen Club in the
5. Talk to an adult at the high school who will be the advisor from the school.
6. Publish an advertisement in the school newsletter or display the “You Can Make a Difference” posters in
the school about the informational meeting (available from the Ruritan National Office).
7. A Ruritan representative is to make a Ruri-Teen presentation in order that he/she may invite and encour‑
age the attendees to become a part of the Ruri-Teen club.```
8. Receive a commitment from the individuals at the informational meeting to sign the charter application
and to contact other individuals to meet with them the next week to sign the charter application.
9. Select enthusiastic club officers for the new club. An interim president and interim secretary will be
needed at the charter night.
10. Plan for the charter meeting within the next two weeks and invite the district cabinet members and all
interested individuals.