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Revised 8/2016

Ruritan Reports

Reports by Club Officers

a. A list of members and officers of new clubs must

be sent to the Ruritan National Office immediately.

b. A list of newly elected officers (after annual elec‑

tion in October) must be forwarded to the Ruritan

National Office immediately. The Ruritan National

Office needs the information on this form to main‑

tain Ruritan’s IRS tax-exempt status. See the form

behind the October Monthly Report in the Club

Secretary’s Handbook


c. Quarterly Attendance and Activities reports must

be sent promptly to Ruritan National, the district

governor, lt. governor, zone governor, and the Na‑

tional Representative.

d. Community Service Committee Reports must

be received by the district governor by October

1. Also, applications for Ruritan of the Year must

be received by the district governor no later than

October 1.

e. Club secretaries will receive a monthly Member‑

ship Audit and Invoice report from the Ruritan Na‑

tional Office. Secretaries should respond promptly

with any member changes. Club billing information

is available on the MMS under the “invoice” op‑

tion. Club secretaries should coordinate with club

treasurers to make those payments promptly. Any

outstanding balance will be billed separately by the

Ruritan National accounting department.

f. Either the

IRS 990, 990 EZ,


IRS 990 N


postcard) should be sent to the IRS by May 15.


details on page 43 of this handbook.

Reports by Zone Governors

Reports to district governor are shown here.


Activities and


report completed

by Ruritan Club


Copies must be

sent to the district

governor, lt. district

governor, zone

governor, National


and the Ruritan

National Office.

Club Officers’ Information

form (right) must be

completed after the

club’s October election of


A copy must be sent

to the Ruritan National

Office immediately after

the election.

This information is

required by the Internal

Revenue Service.

Zone governors’ report to the district

governor is shown above.


Member Management System (MMS) Note


As more club, zone, and district officers begin to

use the MMS they will find that information that

was once communicated on reports can now be

accessed at the touch of a button.

In addition to being able to see graphs,

charts, attendance lists, and membership lists

the system will also retrieve data showing new

members, dropped members, membership

trends, member roles, and individual club audits.

Community People Meeting Community Needs

Associate Member

Individual Member Handbook

Initiation Ceremony

Rudy Bear Story/Coloring Book

Ruritan and 4-H

Ruritan and Soil Conservation

Value of being a Ruritan

Ruritan Forever

Ruritan Youth

Ruritan Foundation

Foundation 21st Century


Below is a list of brochures that are on our website or

can be mailed to you from the National Office.