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Revised 8/2016

Objects of Ruritan

1. To promote fellowship and goodwill among its

members and to inspire each other to higher efforts.

2. To unify the efforts of individuals.

3. To encourage the idea of service.

Awards Program Purposes

1. To motivate individuals and clubs to higher levels

of achievement.

2. To recognize and reward those that have

accomplished outstanding results.

Description of Ruritan National Community

Service Merit System

(effective August 1996)


To encourage each club to strive for greater service

to its community by improving living conditions for

all who reside therein.

To provide each club submitting Community Service

Reports an equal opportunity to be properly

considered for their efforts and to recognize and

award those clubs that provide outstanding service

to their community.


Ruritan Community Service

: Club projects

undertaken by a minimum of three (3) members,

even if the project is completed by only one member,

and after club consideration and approval, including

members’ labor and club money expended from the


Personal Community Service:

Service initiated

and rendered by club members without club

authorization and involvement by at least two (2)

other members, including volunteer service rendered

on behalf of other organizations such as volunteer

firemen, Red Cross, 4-H Clubs and government

and law enforcement agencies, does not qualify as

“Ruritan Community Service” for these reports.

Fundraising Activity:

Labor and expenses

associated with fundraising do not qualify as Ruritan

Community Service. Credit for the money raised will

be received when it is expended and reported by

the proper committee. Credit may be given when

a fundraiser is held to benefit a special cause and

all net proceeds go to that specific project. For

example, a fundraiser to derive funds for a patient

Ruritan National

Community Service Merit System Guide

needing a kidney transplant.

Terms of Projects and Reporting Period


Projects can continue for more than one year. The

reporting period is September 1 to August 31.

Report only labor hours and funds expended during

this period. Reports must be postmarked to the

district governor by October 1, for the preceding

twelve (12) month period.

Invalid Project Reporting:

Projects reported to

an incorrect committee will receive half credit. If

the project can be properly applied to two or more

committees and is reported in either, full credit is

received. Projects should be reported only one time.

If the project is reported more than once, partial

credit will be given for each report. Inappropriate

projects receive no credit. Committee reports

incorrectly titled and those reports received after

October 1 cannot be evaluated.


Projects can earn points as follows:

1. Each project initiated and reported


2. Each hour worked


3. Each dollar expended


NOTE: You may count hours worked by

associate members, however you must also

count those members into the total number of

members divided into those hours.

Community Service Merit System Committee


(Taken from Community Service Guides)

A. Business and Professions Committee


To assist in providing and maintaining

economic stability and growth in production,

commerce, and services in the community. The

areas for consideration should include: agriculture,

industry services, trades, and professions.

B. Citizenship and Patriotism Committee


To foster love of our country and pride

in being a citizen by promoting activities and

philosophies which enable each of us to become

more aware of our unique rights and responsibilities
