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Revised 8/2016


which are ours because we

are Americans. The areas for

consideration should include:

community pride, holiday observation,

voter registration, armed forces,

Veterans Day, and flag display.

C. Environment Committee


To improve the

environment and conserve natural

resources in the community. The

areas for consideration should

include: land, water, and air

pollution; community beautification;

conservation of wildlife, soil and

water conservation; and rodent and

pest control.

D. Public Services Committee


: To monitor the services

provided by governmental,

corporate, and volunteer agencies.

This committee must be aware of

all public services available in the

community, be concerned with their

efficient operation and justified

expansion, and work toward the

establishment of additional services.

The areas for consideration should

include: water, electrical, gas supply;

law enforcement; buildings; fire

and rescue squads; transportation

facilities; solid waste; telephone and

T.V.; cable; waste disposal; and cell


E. Social Development

Committee purpose:


human resources are its most valuable assets, it is

important that the community have facilities and

services which will provide for the well-being and

development of all people, with special concern for

those with unusual needs. Since the Ruritan club

serves the entire community, it is in the unique

position to take the initiative in making these

facilities and services available through club projects

and cooperative programs with other organizations

and agencies. The areas for consideration should

include: youth, health, the disabled, senior citizens,

and drug abuse.

NOTE: Please see the Club and District Officer’s

Handbook for a listing of suggested projects under

“Ruritan Community Service Committee.”

Instructions for Completing Community

Service Report Forms

These guidelines are to be followed in preparing

your reports. The judges will use these to evaluate

the reports and will reject those that fail to comply.

Send a copy to your district governor no later than

October 1. The completed reports will be used

by the district cabinet to determine the level of

achievement for your club.

Complete the Forms as Follows

1. Use the official forms from your secretary’s

handbook. If you have duplicated the form in

its entirety into a spreadsheet program on your

computer, those forms will also be accepted.

Report Evaluations and Ranking

Average Point Determination:

Points earned are determined

for each project reported, then totaled for each committee. This

total is divided by the average number of active club members

(including associate members IF their labor was counted) for the

12 month period to determine the average points earned per

member. Average number of active members (and associates

where appropriate) is determined by adding the starting number

(September of previous year) and the ending number (August of

present year) and dividing by 2.

Awards: There are three levels of achievement determined by the

average number of points earned by each active member. These

are Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Minimum Average Points Per Active Member

to Earn Awards




Social Development

150 - 299.9

300 – 599.9 600+

Public Service

80 - 159.9

160 – 319.9 320+


40 – 79.9

80 – 159.9


Business and Professions 40 – 79.9

80 – 159.9


Citizenship & Patriotism 40 – 79.9

80 – 159.9


Any combination of man-hours, dollars, and projects that yields

points in the above ranges will receive the award indicated.

Award Presentation:

All awards will be presented to the clubs

by the district governor during their district convention. The

Gold Award achievers will be recognized by the Ruritan National

President during the Ruritan National Convention.