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Image courtesy of Reganosa S.A.


In November 2014, EC formally asked ENTSOG for support

in establishing a Ukrainian Monitoring Mission (in accord-

ance with Regulation (EU) 994/2010 Article 11 Para. 7 and

the “Rules of procedure for the Gas Coordination Group”

Article 5 and 6). Consequently, ENTSOG supported EC in

setting up the Mission’s terms of reference; an ENTSOG

representative travelled to Ukrtransgaz headquarters on

22 December 2014. This represented a first high-level visit

aiming at building confidence and starting to examine data

exchange needs.

The next meeting took place in January 2015. Representa-

tives from Ukrtransgaz met with ENTSOG and agreed on the

data provisions and formats for the daily data reports.

Ukrtransgaz started to provide EC and ENTSOG with the

daily data report on 3 February 2015.

A number of meetings between Ukrtransgaz, EC and

ENTSOG were held throughout 2015. The daily report was

further improved. At the end of 2015, ENTSOG and the EC

had gained a full understanding of the gas flows into, with-

in and out of Ukraine.

It must be emphasised that Ukrtransgaz has made the dai-

ly reports available without fail and that the talks between

the involved parties were characterised by a high level of

trust and constructive solutions.


During a workshop, ENTSOG presented the final version of

INT NC and how to apply the rules defined in the code.

ENTSOG’s TSO members and contracting parties to EnC

TSOs demonstrated how they apply the technical rules of

INT NC. In addition, “Europe Maghreb Pipeline Limited”

(empl) demonstrated the difficulties demonstrated the diffi-

culties they encounter at IPs when transporting gas from Al-

geria via Morocco to Spain. These examples demonstrated

how important it is to streamline and harmonise the rules

along the whole gas value chain. Furthermore, ENTSOG

presented the latest developments of RCSG (former Early

Warning System). ENTSOG again invited all non-Member

State TSOs to join the Early Warning System teams and

promised to reinforce its efforts in this area in 2016 (in line

with Annex IV of Regulation (EU) 994/2010).

ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |