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The Network Code for Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM NC) was developed by

ENTSOG based on the Framework Guideline on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms by ACER in

the years 2011 and 2012.

The Network Code was approved by the EU

Gas Committee on 14 October 2013 as Com-

mission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013.

The implementation date was 1 November

2015 with exception of Article 6 which had to

be implemented by 4 February 2015.

Pursuant to Article 8(8) of Regulation (EC) No

715/2009, ENTSOG monitors the implementa-

tion of the CAMNC.

ENTSOG launched the monitoring process in

December 2015 to ensure the timely publica-

tion of the results in the 2016 Annual Report.

As a novelty, ENTSOG and ACER decided to

develop a joint process for facilitating the col-

lection of the data for CAM implementation

monitoring purposes, which is also applied for

Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014


For the report on implementation monitoring of

CAMNC, the data is based on information pro-

vided by 41 TSOs. The data consists of two

main parts: information from each TSO on how

CAMNC has been applied and how CAMNC

has been applied at each relevant side of an

Interconnection Point (IP).

Thus, this report on implementation monitor-

ing of CAMNC presents an overview of the im-

plementation of the various Articles of CAMNC

by TSOs and for IP sides in the European Un-

ion. Conclusions are also drawn on the imple-

mentation status and potential obstacles.

Overview of Implementation status

The focus of this report is to monitor the imple-

mentation of CAM NC requirements that are

obligatory for TSOs. The report shows that out

of the 41 TSOs for whom the application of the

CAM NC is mandatory, 30 TSOs have devel-

oped and applied all or at least all mandatory

measures required by the CAM NC, which

means that they fully comply with the obliga-

tions defined in the CAM NC. 11 TSOs men-

tioned that they partially implemented the

CAMNC requirements, while five TSOs are un-

der derogation under Article 49 of the Gas

Directive as granted by the European Commis-

sion. Nonetheless, one of these TSOs has

partially implemented CAMNC. Furthermore,

three TSOs operate only IPs that are not

CAMNC relevant.

The results of implementing CAM NC by TSOs

is also reflected by the results of the IP survey,

which included 330 IPs relevant to CAM NC.

Generally it was shown that CAM NC has al-

ready been implemented at the majority of IPs

polled. At a small number of IPs, some Articles

of CAM NC had yet to be applied (maximum

10% of IPs).

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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015