Image courtesy of E-ON SE
Replacing an old coal-fired
power plant with a CCGT plant
can reduce CO₂ emissions by
up to 70%.
Following AWP 2015 and in preparation of the monitoring obligations envisaged by Article 25 of INT NC, ENTSOG mem-
bers participated in a voluntary exercise to evaluate the implementation status of INT NC provisions by the end of 2015.
The exercise demonstrated that, among the participating
TSOs representing 75% percent of ENTSOG, more than
half of the interconnection points (IPs) already have an in-
terconnection agreement in place. Results indicate a high
degree of compliance with the mandatory terms of INT NC.
The vast majority of agreements implement the “lesser rule”
as the matching rule and the “operational balancing ac-
count” is widely used as the allocation rule. According to the
results, there are no apparent cross-border barriers related
to gas quality.
Gas quality data publication and data exchange require the
most effort before INT NC is fully applied in May 2016.
Regarding data exchange, TSOs are actively working to-
wards achieving compliance with the provisions of the
INT NC. In conclusion, the report indicates that TSOs are on
track to fully implement INT NC by May 2016.
ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |