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After having developed most of the requested gas network codes, our work at

ENTSOG is changing. We are already in the second or third phase of our activities.

The significantly improved TYNDP and widely accepted Transparency Platform –

already in its second generation – will both continue to develop. Also, the gas

quality amendment of INT NC is representing the upcoming challenges.

While the first phase of ENTSOG’s activities was oriented on

setting up the organisation and drafting network codes, the

second phase is now highly focused on their implementa-

tion. Our 2014 Annual Report included, for the first time, re-

ports on early implementation. This 2015 edition reports on

the findings from the implementation of some codes.

Soon even this will undergo further development. After ini-

tially concentrating on monitoring implementation, we will

move our focus instead to monitoring the effects. In other

words, to what extent network codes are delivering the re-

quested results. The newly established Joint Functionality

Process will address potential adjustments to the imple-

mentation of network codes and possible issues which

might require future adaptations.

To learn more about the functionality of the network codes,

ENTSOG will have more dialogue and interaction with its

stakeholders and market participants. This could result in

even smaller and more frequent workshops on specific top-

ics or engaging ENTSOG in other initiatives which can pro-

mote the functionality and consistent implementation of the

network codes.

We will continue to fine-tune the necessary internal pro-

cesses and our way of dealing with the feedback from our

members to maintain a consistently professional standard.

Current and unexpected developments require more flexi-

bility and internal resources. The discussion on gas quality

in the context of INT NC serves as a good example. When

the gas quality amendment was suggested, it was a new

type of task for ENTSOG to perform value chain analysis as

a consequence of applying the CEN standards. It will be a

substantial challenge in a highly disputed area with many

different opinions.

With the publication of the newly proposed Security of Sup-

ply (SoS) regulation, ENTSOG commenced an analysis of

the potential impact of its work. Most importantly, ENTSOG

is going to perform an EU-wide risk assessment analysis.

Together with our members and GIE, we are taking up the

new task.

Our Regional Coordination System for Gas (a further devel-

opment of the former Early Warning System) also plays a

role for SoS. It makes it possible, in a pragmatic way, to han-

dle high-risk situations on short notice through rapid mobi-

lisation and fast communication channels between TSOs.

As a consequence of the EU-Russia Dialogue, ENTSOG will

continue working on Incremental Amendment issues

together with Gazprom and other stakeholders. We will also

look into the possibilities for improving data flows for

Russian gas exports to Europe so that accurate gas flow

information is continuously accessible as a vital component

of the SoS puzzle.

In the future, ENTSOG will continue our well-established di-

alogue with our stakeholders in keeping with our motto:


Current Year and

Upcoming Targets

ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |