Image courtesy of TIGF SA
The Local Issuing Office (LIO) manages the Energy Identifi-
cation Coding (EIC) through weekly updates to the Central
Issuing Office (CIO) and the ENTSOG website. Final
responses to requests are delivered within a maximum of
ten days.
Operation of LIO Office
EIC is standardised and maintained by ENTSO-E and pro-
vides a unique identification of the market participants and
other entities active within the European Internal Energy Mar-
ket. It is widely used in the Electronic Document Interchange
and shall be used to identify parties and objects for REMIT.
ENTSOG continued to operate the LIO Office 21 throughout
2015 and ENTSOG is now managing 1056 EIC codes. As
part of this, the ENTSOG LIO website was redeveloped to
make the request forms easier to use and to bring them up
to date with the new EIC Reference Manual.
In 2015, ENTSOG attended joint CIO/LIO meetings and
contributed to upgrading the EIC Reference Manual. In ad-
dition, ENTSOG presented a newly developed LIO software
application tool for managing the EIC codes at the CIO/LIO
meeting in Bled, Slovenia.
LIO Tool Development
After specifying the LIO tool in 2014, ENTSOG received
three proposals to develop the software. ENTSOG selected
a developer based in Ireland and worked with him to devel-
op a Microsoft Access-based LIO EIC Tool. The supplier de-
livered the tool in September 2015 and it is working very
well within ENTSOG. An installation programme which can
be used to deliver the tool to any interested LIO office was
delivered in December 2015.
During 2016, we will provide support and work with other
LIO Offices to make improvements to the LIO EIC tool, which
will include an updated data scheme.
Role Model
The Role Model is an initiative of EASEE-gas to develop a
document representing relations between the different mar-
ket participants in the gas industry. The project focusses
mainly on information exchange between market partici-
pants. While the document will not be legally binding, the
aim is to provide common terminology for the roles that are
used among EU countries. ENTSOG has contributed to the
Role Model project on an advisory basis. EASEE-gas will
present it at the Madrid Forum in October 2016.
ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |