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Much recent attention has been given to the potential of eco-

systems, especially forests, to take up (sequester) additional

carbon and hence mitigate climate change. Unfortunately, this

process is disrupted when natural ecosystems are converted for

agricultural use. This releases much of the carbon stored in

plants and soil, and also alters the physical and biological ef-

fects of the landscape on the climate (Bala

et al

., 2007).

Some of these effects warm the climate, whilst others cool it.

The high albedo (reflectivity) of grassland and deserts plays a

role in atmospheric cooling (Hansen

et al

., 1998; Thompson,

1998). High rates of evapotranspiration (release of water into

the atmosphere) from tropical forest reduce surface air tem-

perature and increase rainfall (Bonan, 2008). The structure of

vegetation also influences the regional climate: for example, a

study in Australia found that land cover change (mainly defor-

1 To illustrate how substantial these ecosystem stores of carbon are, the

global annual emissions of carbon dioxide from human activity in 2004

totalled 38 Gigatonnes (IPCC 2007).2 Services include provisioning (e.g.

fish and minerals), regulating (e.g. role in climate), supporting (e.g. role in

water cycle) and cultural (e.g. tourism, recreation)

All living matter (biomass) – from grasses and trees to salt marshes and plankton

stores carbon. Terrestrial biomass carbon stores are often referred to as “green carbon”.

Worldwide, terrestrial vegetation, soil and detritus currently store 2261 Gigatonnes of

carbon (GtC; IPCC, 2007)


. Approximately half of terrestrial biomass carbon stocks

are found in forest (IPCC, 2007). The oceans and coastal vegetation also store a large

amount of carbon (often known as “blue carbon”), which is thought to be approxi-

mately 38334 GtC (IPCC, 2007), though there is uncertainty about the precise quantity


et al

., 2009).

estation) explained up to 50% of the observed warming and

changes to rainfall patterns due to reduced surface roughness


et al

., 2004).

The marine environment also has a key role in climate regula-

tion. The oceans store and conduct heat, while ocean chem-

istry is important in regulating carbon uptake (IPCC, 2007;


et al

., 2009).

Restoration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems therefore

protects and enhances the climate regulating services of eco-

systems as well as the carbon stocks that aid climate change


Many ecosystems are currently carbon sinks (they store more

carbon than they lose). The IPCC Fourth Assessment (AR4)

Report suggests that the size of the terrestrial sink is approxi-

mately 0.5–1.5 GtC per year while the marine sink is approxi-

mately 1.8–2.6 GtC per year (IPCC, 2007). However, land use

change and degradation damage the terrestrial sink as well as

generating carbon emissions (Ong, 1993; Anser

et al

., 2005;

Eliasch, 2008; Lal, 2008).