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Since its introduction the monogenean


Gyrodactylus salaris

has had

devastating effects in Norwegian Atlantic

salmon (

Salmo salar

) populations over the

past four decades. In this period, the in-

fection has spread to some 46 rivers. The

parasite lives and reproduces in fresh- or

slightly brackish water only, and the major

mechanism for spread among geographi-

cally separate regions has been directly

related to movement of live fish between

rivers or hatcheries. Today’s routines

regulated by adjusted local legislation as

well as EU legislation aims to preserve

local populations and thus avoid mixing

between geographically isolated strains

as well as it aims to avoid spread of dis-

ease and pathogenic organisms. Unfor-

tunately, a slip in these principles during

the 1970’ies, led to the sad story of the

“Russian-Doll Salmon Killer” in Norway.

Gyrodactylus salaris

is found parasitiz-

ing several populations of salmon in the

Baltic, a geographic region to which it is

considered endemic. It was first observed

in Norway in 1975. Later it has been con-

cluded that it was introduced from the

Baltic on several occasions, and that at

least three of these introductions led to

persisting epidemic outbreak (for recent

literature, see e.g. Hansen

et al

. 2003 and


et al

. 2007). In Norway, the parasite

generally reduces affected salmon popula-

tions by 80–90%. In six populations, the

parasite is considered having eliminated

the salmon by driving the populations

below sustainable density levels. Norwe-

gian management authorities spend vast

amounts every year on control measures

Introduction and spread of the “Russian-Doll Salmon Killer” in

Norway following salmon transplant

in attempts to eliminate the parasite and

prevent further spread. It has been es-

timated that without control measures,

reduction in Norwegian salmon fisheries

would sum up to 15% (Johnsen and Jen-

sen 2003).

All known introductions of

G. salaris


Norway are results of transport of live fish.

One of these transports was destined a

central hatchery and farming facility from

which salmon parr were distributed to

several local hatcheries. In a recapture of



story in Norway, Johnsen

and Jensen (1986) pointed out that of 14

geographically isolated regions in which



was found by 1985, 11 had received

fish from hatcheries that were secondarily

infected from the central one. After estab-

lishment in new regions, further spread has

in most cases probably taken place by fish

movement through brackish water. Thus,

the combination of lacking knowledge in

the 1970’ies concerning the potential risks

of moving even closely related fish stocks

and the entering-point in a centralized

hatchery turned out catastrophic.

The story of the “Russian-Doll Salmon

Killer” in Norway has led to massive fo-

cus from parasitologists and freshwater

biologists over the past four decades (see


et al

. 2007). Despite the lesson

learned and increased knowledge gained,

the occasional surprising discovery of the

parasite on new hosts and in new locali-

ties gives an uncomfortable hint as to how

little is really known about this and other

potentially emerging diseases and patho-

genic organisms.


Gyrodactylus salaris has been referred

to as the “Russian-Doll Salmon Kill-

er” due to its mode of reproduction.

Throughout their lifespan these her-

maphroditic flukes they switch from

asexual to sexual reproduction. A first-

born of an individual is always asexual-

ly derived. Furthermore, any newborn

individual carries a nearly fully devel-

oped offspring inside, again carrying a

developing embryo – thus the reference

to a Russian-Doll. In the picture, the

nearly fully developed attachment or-

gan (the opisthaptor consisting of two

large hooks; the hamuli and 16 smaller

hooks; marginal hooks) of the daugh-

ter and the developing opisthaptor of

the granddaughter can be seen.