suggestions for Hire Purchase Rules for the District
The next meeting of the Council of the Association
was fixed for the 3rd of July, 1957.
Service of Circuit Court Civil Bills and District Court
Civil Processes..
ON representations made by this Association, the
County Registrar for Dublin is communicating with
the Civil Bill Officers urging them to improve the
service of documents, and the returning of docu
ments to Solicitors.
Any solicitor who has a complaint to make in
either of these connections
should communicate
directly with the County Registrar, or through the
Bar Association.
Members should endeavour to help the Civil Bill
Officers by :—
(1) Ensuring that the correct addresses are given
for the persons on whom documents • are to
be served.
(2) Ensuring that correct Christian names
(3) Allowing adequate time for service and return
of documents.
(4) Ensuring that the name and address of the
solicitor issuing the document appears on it.
(5) Giving sufficient notice to the Civil Bill Offi
cer to attend Court in connection with sub
stituted service applications. All members are
requested to note and act accordingly.
THE Society's Summer Outing was held at Dundalk
Golf Club on Saturday nth May, 1957, the entries
from the City and County were satisfactory not
rather unfavourable weather con
ditions. The following were the prize winners :
Society's Challenge Cup and Captains (J. C. Griffin's)
Prize :
D. J. Collins (10) all square.
Runner up :
J- C. Griffin (14) i down.
Veterans Cup :
F. McKeever (9)
Runner up :
T. A. O'Reilly (16)
St. Patrick's Plate :
C. McAlester (10) 2 down.
Runner up :
W. A. Menton (8) 4 down.
Best ist Nine :
J. J. O'Connor (17) i up
Best znd Nine :
M. Hanahoe (18) all square.
Special prizes :
W. J. Ryan, Barry Steen.
At the very enjoyable dinner in the Club House
the Toast of the Society and Captain (Mr. J. C.
Griffin) was proposed by Mr. W. Carroll,
President of Dundalk Golf Club.
The Captain
replied on behalf of the Society. Mr. T. A. O'Reilly
proposed the Toast of Guests and H. McGahon '
D.J. and J. Kennedy D.J. made a joint reply.
A Meeting of the Society will be held in the
Autumn for the President's Prize and subsidiary
Particulars will be circulated in
due course.
Inquiries :
Gerard M. Doyle, (Hon. Sec.)
50 Lower O'Connell Street,
AT the Final Examination for apprentices to Solici
tors held on the ijth, i6th and iyth days of April,
the following passed the examination :—
Passed with Merit.
i. Brian V. Hoey, 2. Brian J. Claffey (B.A., LL.B.),
3. Laurence B. Cullen.
Passed (in alphabetical order).
Pierce O'Brien Butler B.A., Peter P. J. Gallery,
Gerard Charlton B.A., Gerald J. Crehan, Patrick
A. Dorrian, Charles F. C. Downing, Patrick J. A.
Gearty B.A., LL.B., Niall C. Gibbons B.A.,
John F. Kealy, Gregory A. Lynch, John J. Waters.
28 candidates attended ;
14 passed.
The Council awarded a Gold Medal to Brian
V. Hoey and Silver Medals to Brian J. Claffey and
Laurence B. Cullen.
The following passed in Part I or Part II Final
Examination :—
Part I.
Francis X. Downes, Patrick V. Pagan, (A);
Alphonsus Grogan, (A); William D. J. Hodgins, (A);
Donal M. King, (A) ;
John McKnight B.A., LL.B.,
Alban B. Rigney B.A., Scan Cormac Rynne, (A).
Part II.
Richard J. Branigan, Margaret T. C. Casey
B.A.John L. Egan, Thomas B. Jellett, John B.
Lawson B.A., LL.B., (B) ;
Desmond J. Mackey,
(B) ;
Gerard A. Murphy, Brian W. Russell, (B) ;
Desmond P. Windle B.A., LL.B.,
(B); Henry
J. Wynne.
" (A) " denotes having already passed Part 2