of the Council for the ensuing year, and shall
also declare the candidates so returned as
having the greatest number of votes for their
respective provinces to be duly elected as
That the following new bye-law be sub
stituted for the existing bye-law 38 :—
38. In case of vacancies occurring on the
Council during their year of office among the
ordinary members of the Council, or if a
sufficient number of candidates be not
nominated and the scrutineers of the ballot
being thereby prevented from returning the
full number of thirty-one ordinary members,
the Council may if they see fit as occasion
may require co-opt from the general body
of the Society a sufficient number of members
to complete the full number of thirty-one.
In case of a vacancy in the office of provincial
delegate, either arising during the year of
office of the Council or through the absence
of due nomination, the vacancy may be
filled by the Council by co-option in like
manner. A co-opted member of the Council
shall hold office only until the next ensuing
election for the Council but shall be eligible
for re-election. A motion to co-opt a member
of the Council shall in order to be carried
require at least twenty affirmative votes.
The President put the motion to the meeting
and it was carried without dissent.
Thursday, 2oth November, 1958, was appointed
as the date of the next Annual Meeting.
On the motion of Mr. O'hUadhaigh, Mr. Collins,
Vice-President then took the Chair. Mr. O'hUadh
aigh proposed and Mr. Cox seconded a vote of
thanks to the President for his distinguished service
to the Society during his year's office. The Pre
sident replied and the proceedings terminated.
21 ST.
The President in the Chair.
Also present, Desmond J. Collins, Vice-President;
Charles J. Downing, Vice-President; Patrick R.
Boyd, Francis X. Burke, John Carrigan, William
J. V. Comerford, Arthur Cox, Cornelius J. Daly,
William Dillon-Leetch, John R. Halpin, Francis
J. Lanigan, John Maher, Desmond J. Mayne,
Eunan McCarron, John J. Nash, George A. Nolan,
Patrick Noonan, Peter E. O'Connell, James J.
O'Connor, Patrick O'Donnell, Scan O'hUadhaigh,
Thomas A. O'Reilly, George G. Overend, James
R. Quirke, Dermot P. Shaw, John J. Shell, Robert
McD. Taylor, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Ralph J. Walker,
Terence de Vere White, D. M. Martin, Reginald J.
Nolan, Edward Treacy, C. E. Callan.
The following was among the business transacted :
Solicitors' Remuneration General Order,
THE Council considered and adopted a report from
the Sub-Committee appointed to deal with this
matter to be read at the ordinary General Meeting
of the Society.
Nominations for the Council, 1958-59.
PURSUANT to Bye-Law 29
(a) i$th
October, 1958,
was appointed as the final date for receipt of nomina
tions for candidates for the election to the Council
for the year 1958-59, and i3th November, 1958, was
appointed as the date of the ballot.
THE following General Order made by the Statutory
Body under the Solicitors Remuneration Act, 1881,
was laid on the table of the Dail and Seanad on
14th October :
S.I. No. 199 of 1957.
WE, the body in that behalf authorised by the Solicitors'
Remuneration Act,
as adapted by
the Solicitors'
Remuneration Act, :88i (Adaptation) Order, 1946, made
pursuant to the Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922, do
hereby, in pursuance and execution of the powers given to
us in the said statute as so adapted, and of all other powers
enabling us in that behalf, make the annexed General Order.
1. This Order may be cited as the Solicitors' Remuneration
General Order, 1957, and
the Solicitors' Remuneration
General Orders, 1884 to 1951, and this Order may be cited
together as the Solicitors' Remuneration General Orders,
1884 to 1957.
2. In clause
and in clause 6 of the Solicitors' Remunera
tion General Order, 1884, (hereinafter referred to as " the
Order of 1884") for the words "according to the present
system as altered by Schedule II hereto " there shall be sub
stituted the words " in accordance with Schedule II hereto."
3. The following amendments shall be made in the Rules
applicable to Part I of Schedule I to the Order of 1884 :—
In Rule 2 for the words " according to the present
system, as altered by Schedule II hereto " there shall be
substituted the words " in accordance with Schedule II
In Rule 5 for the words " are to be dealt with under
the old system, as altered by Schedule II hereto " there
shall be substituted the words " are to be calculated in
accordance with Schedule II hereto."
In Rule 10 for the words " according to the present
system, as altered by the Schedule II hereto " there shall
be substituted the words " in accordance with Schedule II