circumstances, I have given directions that in
future where releases are being obtained from
persons resident in the U.S.A. of their interests
in registered land, such releases will be accepted by
the Registry if they are executed in the presence of
two independent witnesses, one of such witnesses
being an Attorney-at-Law, a Bank Official, a Clergy
man or some other respectable person of standing
in the district, provided however, that the usual
Affidavit by the personal representative of the
Owner, setting out the several persons entitled,
including those resident in the U.S.A., is lodged.
Yours sincerely,
THE Librarian of the Incorporated Law Society
of Northern Ireland, Royal Courts of Justice,
Belfast, requires the following issues of the
for the use of the members and would greatly
appreciate if, in the absence of available stocks,
a member would be prepared to donate the following
issues of the
Gazette :—
Vols. i (1907) to 22 (1928) inclusive ; ; Vol. 25,
No. 10 (April, 1931) ; Vol. 26, No. 3 (July, 1931) ;
Vol. 27-Nos. i (May, 1932) and 10 (April, 1933);
Vols. 28 (1933-34) and 29 (1934-35); Vol. 36,
No. 8 (February, 1942) ; Vol. 43, No. 3 (July, 1948).
Postage will be refunded. All further cor
respondence relating to this matter should be
addressed to :—Miss Anderson, Librarian, Incor
porated Law Society of Northern Ireland, Royal
Courts of Justice, Belfast.
Register A
ASSISTANT SOLICITOR required for large practice in good
provincial town. Permanent position for suitable applicant
who must be experienced in all branches. Reply stating age
and full details of education, qualifications and experience
to Box No. Ai72.
Register B
EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR seeks position as qualified assistant.
Interview requested. Box No. 8220.
Register C
WANTED urgently—Good prices paid if volumes complete
and binding in good condition.
Irsib Fquity Reports—
1838-50—Vols. 12 and 13
Law Reports—
1849-66—Vols. 1-17 complete
and duplicates of Vols. 13, 14, 16 and 17 ;
Irish Chancery
1849-66—Vols. 1-17 complete ;
Law Reports
(Ireland)—1878-93—Vols. 13 (duplicate) ; 15-18, and 25-29 ;
Irish Reports—
1913 to 1924, 1921 (Two extra copies) ; 1922
and 1923 (Duplicates), 1928, 1931, 1938, 1940,1942 and 1946 ;
Neiv Irish Jurist—
Vol. i (1900) ;
Irish Law Reports—
1912—Complete set of 12 vols ;
Northern Ireland Reports—
1925 to 1956—complete ;
Times Lav Reports—
1884 to 1952—
68 Vols. complete;
Irish Law Times
(1867-1957) including
Reports—Vols. 1-27, 1-16 Cduplicates), 50-57, 61-91, 65-78
(duplicates), 73—76 (duplicates), 82—91 (duplicates), 89-91
(duplicates). Apply Librarian, Incorporated Law Society. •
1891 AND 1942.
FOLIO 11092
Registered Owner :
The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate
of the Certificate of Title specified in the Schedule
hereto which is stated to have been lost or inad
vertently destroyed.
The Duplicate will be issued unless notification is
received in this Registry within 28 days from the
date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title
is in the custody of a person not the Registered
Owner. Such notification should state the grounds
on which the Certificate is retained.
Dated this 23rd day of December, 1957.
Registrar of Titles.
Land Certificate of James Doody to Oa. Or. 35p.
of the Lands of Abbeyfeale West situate in the
Barony of Glenquin and County of Limerick
being the lands comprised in said Folio.
FOLIO 12904
Registered Owner :
The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate
of the Certificate of Title specified in the Schedule
hereto which is stated to have been lost or inadver
tently destroyed.
The Duplicate will be issued unless notification
is received in this Registry within 28 days from the
date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title
is in the custody of a person not the Registered
Owner. Such notification should state the grounds
on which the Certificate is retained.
Dated this 23rd day of December, 1957.
Registrar of Titles.