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distribution. Papers unavailable for early circulation

may be secured in Oslo.


A new issue of the

International Ear News,


complete information concerning the Oslo Con

ference will be published early in 1956. Copies of

this publication will be available upon request at the

office of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,

or from the Host Organization, or from Head

quarters of the I.B.A., 501 Fifth Avenue, New-

York 17.



THE text of an agreement dated 30th November,

1955, between the Ministry of Local Government

and The Motor Insurer's Bureau of Ireland, pro

viding for a scheme of compensation for victims

of uninsured motorists, together with some notes

on its scope and purpose was recently published

(see July, 1955, GAZETTE, page 23), and can be

obtained from the Government Publications Office

—price 6d, or


including postage.


MR. HENRY MURRAY, Solicitor, Carrick-on-Shannon,

Co. Leitrim, has been appointed solicitor to the

Dublin Port and Docks Board.

Mr. James F. Kenny, Solicitor, Dungarvan, Co.

Waterford, has been appointed County Registrar

for County Waterford.



for the guidance of solicitors.

THE Department of Finance has issued a note for

the guidance of solicitors

in connection with

dealings under Exchange Control in British and

Irish Securities. It will be recalled in this connection

that Solicitors as well as Bankers and Stockbrokers

are " Approved Agents " in Ireland and " Authorised

Depositaries " in Britain.

The conditions under

which these dealings can be effected are fully set

out in the leaflet.

These conditions refer in par

ticular to the following matters :—

1. Subscriptions to new issues.

2. Sales and transfers.

3. Purchases and acceptances of transfers.

The following matters are also dealt with :—

1. Approved manners of payment.

2. Lodgments to blocked account.

3. Import and export of Securities.

4. Presentation of documents to registrars.

5. Applications for exchange control permission.

All further information is set out in Notice 1C

No. 77, which together with this leaflet can be

obtained on application to the Secretary, Depart

ment of Finance, Merrion Street, Dublin.



THE Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Act,

1955, came into force on ist September, 1955, and

introduced some modifications to the existing law

on the subject. By Section 3, a workman entitled

to a weekly payment by way of compensation under

the Acts of 1897, 1900 and 1906, shall also be

entitled to a supplementary allowance equal to

four-fifths of the weekly payment;

this supple

mentary allowance shall be deemed to be part of

the weekly payment.

By Section 4 the weekly

payment provided for by the third schedule of the

Act of 1934 is raised from 5o/- to 9o/— per week.

By Section 5, the rules for computation of com

pensation in fatal cases previously regulated by the

Second Schedule of the Act of 1934 as amended by

Section 8 of the Act of 1953, are to be calculated

now with the revised figures set out in the First

Schedule to this Act.

It is to be noted that the

dependants' lump sum has now been raised to £1,800

and that in other respects the Second Schedule of

the Act of 1934 is henceforth to be read in con

junction with the figures set out


the First

Schedule of the Act of 195 5. By Section 6, the age

limit for juvenile dependency is raised from fifteen

years to sixteen years. Section 7, amends Section 23

of the 1934 Act which used to provide that where

the incapacity of the workman lasted less than

four weeks, the first three days of such incapacity

would be excluded from the period of the weekly

payment; this period of four weeks has now been

reduced to two weeks.

By Section 8, if a weekly payment in a case of

total incapacity has been continued for not less

than two years, the Circuit Court on the application

of the workman made at any time after he has

attained the age of 21 years, if it is satisfied that the

workman will remain totally incapacitated, may by

order provide for the payment by the employer,

by way of redemption as from the date of the

application of his liability to make the weekly

payment, of a lump sum of such amount as may be