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The form of presentation and prominence of climate

change in the sectoral policy documents of the

countries: a) clearly display for which sector the issue

is important, and b) show a level of understanding

of sector specific climate change impacts by policy

makers and, to a certain extent, the willingness of

sectoral decision makers to recognise that climate

change impacts have to be integrated into sectoral

policies that include other priorities. Accordingly,

integration of climate change adaptation into

environmental sectoral strategies is more perceptible

than in other sectoral policy documents.

Sectoral policy papers


Framework policy

The main framework documents for the

environmental sector in the three countries of the

South Caucasus are those related to the National

Environmental Action Programmes or similar

guiding policy documents. Most recent versions

of these policy documents were developed

between 2008–2011, and are referred to as “second

generation” NEAPs.


The Armenian Second National Environmental

Action Programme came to an end in 2012; and a

replacement has not been developed yet (MoNP

2008). The document considered climate change

and atmosphere protection. Under the chapter in

the Action Plan on Atmosphere protection and

climate change, among other mitigation measures, a

recommendation was given to elaborate new inter-

agency programmes stemming from international

commitments. The newly adopted Obligations

Emanating from a Number of International

Environmental Conventions (Government of

the Republic of Armenia 2011) encourages

development of a climate change adaptation

concept with an ecosystem approach and NAPAs.

The chapter on climate change of the NEAP also

calls for development of the joint Action Plan for

identification of crosscutting issues between the

Convention on Climate Change and other global

and regional environmental treaties.


The government of Azerbaijan is in the process of final

inter-agency consultations for approval of the Action

Plan on Improvement of the Ecological Situation and

Efficient Use of Natural Resources in the Republic of

Azerbaijan (Alyev 2015). This document will have a

specific chapter on climate change and will include a

recommendation to elaborate a NAP.


The Georgian Second National Environmental

Action Programme 2012–2016 (MoEP 2012) also
