4pounds oi sugar.
34 wine glass of Dr. Siegert'a Genuine
Angostura Bitters.
4 lemons,juice only.
6 oranges, juice only.
1 pound blanched almonds.
1 pound muscatel grapes.
Yi pound figs, cut up.
Yz pound seedless raisins.
1Y dozen eggs, ^Yhites only.
1 dozen clo\es, a small piece of cinnamon
and a little caramel coloring.
Make a hot syrup of the sugar and water
and pour it over the raisins, cloves and cin
When cool,add orange and lemon juice and
wine. Strain and freeze in the usual manner.
Take out the spice.s and add the scalded
raisins, figs, grapes and almonds last.
Use mixing glass half full of ice.
1 dash Maraschino.
1 dash of Ab-sinthe.
3 dashes Dr. Siegert's Genuine Angostura
y> jigger French vermouth.
Y Old Tom Gin.
Stir well; strain in cocktail glass; add
cherry,and serve.
Use large bar glass.
1 tablespoon of sugar,dissolved in water.
2dashes cura9ao
3dashes lemon juice.
1 dash Dr. Siegert's Genuine Angostura
Y jigger vanilla cordial.
1 jigger of cognac brandy.
Stir well; fill up with ice; trim with fruit;
eerve with straws.