November 2015
and flying shuttle system – all fully
automated – as well as a hot water
heating system for accelerated curing
of the products. Even the cranes were
part of this extensive order and were
shipped from Europe.
Following a study of Perse’s re-
quirements, the necessary technical
equipment was specified for a new
hollow core slab plant to be placed
beside the existing hall. Included in
the offer was a detailed investment
analysis that showed that a new
weiler production system, using a
similar area and material inputs as
thewet-cast hall, could produce three
times the volumes, with a direct cost
saving of 28-40% per m² of precast
Production cycle times could be
reduced to 6 - 8 hours total per bed;
one hour to extrude slabs and 5 - 7
hours to cure, cut and lift sections.
With four production beds, each
120 metres long, the beds can pro-
duce twice a day, so that the daily
nominal capacity would be 1 680
m² of flooring or walls, compared
with the existing wet-casting system
producing 560 m² with eight produc-
tion beds. By adding four additional
production beds to the new weiler
productionhall, nominal capacity can
be increased to 3 360 m² of floors or
walls per 24 hour period.
Following quality and volume
requirements, low unit production
cost was a critical objective for Perse
directors. This requirement was met
by using the weiler extruder (MAX-
truder) for slab/panel production.
The extruder uses a dual vibration
compaction system to compact a dry
concrete mix with low cement con-
tent (water cement ratio 0.32 approx.)
and no admixtures, which results in
elevated final compressive strengths
averaging 75 MPa (750 kg/cm²).
Higher strengths allow for lighter
and stronger elements, a key feature
of weiler slab and panel precast ele-
ments. Combining lower concrete
costs with lighter (lower concrete
volumes) sections, means weiler
extruded slabs/panels cost 28% -
40% less per m² than wet-cast slabs/
For the new factory layout, weiler
design engineers were faced with
Integration of the new factory
alongside an existing production
hall and systems without disrup-
tions to processes
Designing-in work and material
flows to separate the rawmaterial
storage andmixing areas, from fin-
ishedproduct, storage and loading
Providing timely, mixed concrete
delivery to precast production up
to 200metres fromthe batchmixer
Ensuring that future expansions,
new production additions would
be easy and be served by the same
A critical part of the layout challenge
was resolved with the use of an au-
tomated batch mixer station placed
in the existing material storage and
mixing area, delivering concrete by
flying shuttle on elevated rails, in-
cluding curved sections, to the new
hall production area.
weiler considers this new ad-
vanced extruder factory an important
milestone for Perse and is proud to
have been the chosen supplier.
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