ccording to Bryan Per-
rie, managing director of
The Concrete Institute, the
properties required of the con-
crete for flooring are governed
largely by the use of correct ma-
terials and the right proportions.
There are material specifications
for concrete as well as South
African Codes of Practice for the
actual placement of concrete and
the finishing of floor slabs.
“A thorough understanding of
all the characteristics of concrete,
the influence of material selec-
tion, environmental inconsis-
tencies, as well as handling and
finishing, are essential to produce
a quality floor. Correct detailing
of joints and reinforcement are
also important. A disregard for
any of these factors can result
in problems which are normally
observed too late in the process
to affect change,” he said.
Perrie stresses that consis-
tency is crucial during all stages
of the construction process: re-
ceiving the concrete, discharging,
placing, consolidating and finish-
ing. The importance of protecting
the concrete while it is being
placed, and curing thereafter, are
also vital factors.
“An incomplete brief from the
client, inadequate specification
and detailing, lack of attention to
correct proportioning, handling
and finishing, inexperienced con-
tractors and operators, could all
contribute to a floor withpoor du-
rability, strength and aesthetics.
The flooring process relies on the
successful completion of succes-
sive phases; understanding what
is being done in eachphase, using
the right concrete and equipment
and by the right person at the
right time,” concludes Perrie.
Concrete flooring
Concrete used for the construction of industrial floors, such
as warehousing and factory floors, is unique and differs from
that required for vertical structures.
Bryan Perrie