Town Center Plan
January 2007
Chapter 3: Detailed Design
transition from the historic crossroads village
to the Civic/Cultural/Commercial District.
The street network in this district should be
developed to provide greater connectivity and
more options for residents to move through
this area, while also being designed to calm
traffic and help provide a safe pedestrian
environment. Design standards will ensure
that townhouses, small-lot detached
dwellings, and other new structures in this
area are compatible in scale and character
with surrounding neighborhoods.
3) Civic/Cultural/Commercial District:
This district includes the land around Carolina
Street and the new Street “E” to the north
along the southern frontage of the Church
Street Townes development, extending west
to Town Hall Drive. In this area, the Town
Center Design calls for locating a civic/
cultural/commercial district to help meet
the goal expressed by citizens of providing
more public gathering spaces. One of the
challenges in finding a suitable location for
a main street-style district in the Morrisville
Town Center is the lack of locations that have
both good access and good visibility. The area
along Morrisville-Carpenter Road has good
visibility, but is hard to access because of all
the traffic and required road improvements
such as concrete medians and right-in,
right-out access to adjacent streets, which
Map 6: Civic/Cultural/Commercial District (Initial Draft) This rendering shows a conceptual design for how the
civic/cultural/commercial district might be developed. It would be anchored by a civic/cultural facility that helps
to frame one side of a public plaza. To the east of the street is a proposed childrens park. (Graphic: Raybould
Associates for the Town of Morrisville)