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Transportation Plan


Town Council and the Planning and Zoning

Board (PZB) continued their review and

discussion of the September version of the

Comprehensive Transportation Plan update,

including holding multiple public comment


In December, PZB discussed specific

changes to the draft Plan, and directed staff

to incorporate those changes into another

draft. The next draft is expected to be ready

for presentation to PZB in March.

Additional public comment opportunities are

anticipated to share the updated draft.



Dylan Bruchhaus joined the




October. Dylan works in the

Long-range Planning Division

as a Transportation Planner I.

Prior to joining the Morrisville

team, Dylan worked for the

New York City Department of

Transportation while earning his Master of City and

Regional Planning degree from Rutgers University.

Beginning in November, the

Development Services front

office underwent renovations

to introduce a more open,

and welcoming, environment

for applicants and the

community. Construction was

completed in early January


Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Director Courtney Tanner recently visited a

4th grade classroom to discuss the role of a

town planner in the community. The students

participated in a town planning exercise, in

which they learned about the importance of

urban planning and collaboration.

Fun fact: each of the towns were planned with

an incredible park system, but only one had a

grocery store.

Planning in the


Town staff continued contract negotiations with the

selected Comprehensive Land Use Plan update

consultant. The current expectation is that the project

will in begin in early spring 2018.

Some of the main plan update goals include in-depth

studies of the McCrimmon Parkway extension area and

the underdeveloped and vacant land near Wake Tech.