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MARCH 1988

Law Society Annual Conference,

Cork, 5 - 8 May, 1988

The Conference has come around

again. To a lot of our members, this

is not a statement wh i ch up to this

had made them reach for their

diaries and write in the dates of the

Conference as an event which they

must attend.

For one reason or another the

Annual Con f e r en ce has not

attracted the attention which it

should over the past number of

years. We now have almost 4 , 000

members of the Society. Should it

not be a feasible proposition to get

2 0 0 / 3 00 of these to come to the

Conference if not for the entire of

the event, then at least for some of

the lectures or social functions?

We have had recent experience

that when a controversial item

arises on the Agenda, the Society

memb e rs wa k en f r om t he ir

slumbers and become vociferous

and take great interest in the

subject. This was clearly evidenced

by the attendance at the Annual

General Meeting in November 1986

when the issues of Advertising and

Professional Indemnity were on the


This year the Public Relations

Comm i t t ee

i nv i t ed

Mess r s.

Loosemore and Parsons to visit

Ireland. As members will be aware

they gave a number of lectures

w h i c h c r ea t ed an e n o rmo us

amount of interest and indeed

e x c i t eme nt

amo n g st

t he

profession. In the course of these

lectures, they indicated the need

for change on the part of the

members in their approach to

practice as we near the 21st


The Conference this year which

is being held in Jury's Hotel, Cork

from 5 t h - 8 t h May, is taking up the

same theme. As the highlight of the

programme, I am pleased to be able

to report that Mr. David Andrews of

the David Andrews Partnership

Limited who are Management and

Training Consultants to the Legal

Profession in London, has agreed to

address the Conference on Friday

morning on "Ma k i ng the Law

Office Wo r k ". In the afternoon he

will speak on "Practice Develop-

men t ". David Andrews will be

dealing w i th the practical problems

w h i c h f ace s o l i c i t o rs in t he

everyday working of their offices

with suggested changes which will

improve not only the management

of t he o f f i ce but also its

profitability. I hope in the next

edition of the Gazette that he will

be giving members an outline on

how he will be approaching his

subject (and how important he

views the topic).

On Saturday, the Half Yearly

Meeting will take place. At the

moment I have no notice of any

resolution. Assuming that none are

forthcoming it is proposed to hold

a workshop on "Litigation — The

Future". This is very topical in that

by now everybody is aware of the

changes which are proposed for

the abolition of juries. In the

workshop we hope to obtain views

not only f r om solicitors and

barristers working in Ireland as to

the practical realities which this will

bring to our profession, but also to

ob t a in v i ews f r om

v i s i t i ng

Presidents as to how the litigation

scenario has changed in their

country and where they see the

trends for the future.

This will cover such areas as

c o n t i n g e n cy


l i t i ga t i on

procedures and how the courts will

tackle the changes which are

undoubtedly coming. For anybody

i n t e r es t ed in l i t i ga t i on t h is

discussion is a


for your diary.

Enclosed w i th this Gazette you

will find the proposed Conference

programme. You will see that there

are numerous alternative social

events which you and your spouse

can enjoy.

The cost of the Conference has

sometimes been criticised. This

year there is a special inclusive

price of £140 per person covering

three nights and t wo days in Jury's

Hotel, Cork, w i t h all meals

included. This is less than the price

for last year's Conference. The

facilities at Jury's Hotel include a

heated indoor/outdoor swimming

pool wi th whirlpool, saunas, a

gymnasium and squash court. In

add i t i on

t h r o u gh

t he


sponsorship of the Bank of Ireland

any member who is less than ten

years admitted to practice will have

half the cost of his wife's inclusive

price subsidised by the Bank. This

is a unique and generous offer by

the Bank to aid the younger

members of the profession.

I am therefore making a direct

appeal to the members for support

for the Conference. As I have said

before it is your Society, and your

profession and your Conference.

Not only do I suggest that you

should support it, I am saying very

strongly that you must support it.

I address this recommendation

particularly to our members from


I am confident that w i th the help

and support of the organisers, this

will be not only a most enjoyable

weekend but a weekend when you

can learn in a way which will

beneficially improve your practice

and yourself.

I look forward to meeting you

personally in Cork.

Thomas D. Shaw


Jury's Hotel, Cork