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Professional I n f orma t i on

Land Registry —

issue of New

Land Cer t i f icate

Registration of Title Act, 1 9 64

An application has been received from the

registered o w n e rs me n t i o n ed in the

Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Cer-

tificate in substitution for the original Land

Certificate issued in respect of the lands

specified in the Schedule which original

Land Certificate is stated to have been lost

or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certifi-

cate will be issued unless notification is

received in the Registry, within twenty-eight

days from the date of publication of this

notice that the original Certificate is in ex-

istence and in the custody of some person

other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on

which the Certificate is being held.

Dated this 17th day of October, 1988.

J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles),

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street, Dublin 7.


M a r t i n H a r t f o r d, Kennetstown, Bellews-

t own, Co. Meath. Folio No.: 6849F; Lands:

(1) Legganhall; (2) Collierstown; (3) Leg-

ganhall; (4) Legganhall; Area: (1) 1 2 . 9 44

acres; (2) 6 . 8 75 acres; (3) 2 4 . 5 25 acres;

(4) 5 3 . 6 13 acres; County: M E A T H .

T h e o d o re J . Ha r r i s, Folio No.: 17729;

Lands: Townland of Drumartin and Barony

of Rathdown. County: D U B L I N.

J o h n Elliot M a x w e l l, Ballincard, Fiveally,

Birr, Co. Offaly. Folio No.: 4 6 4 9; Lands:

Clontaglass; Area: 27a.2r.10p.; County:


T h o m a s W a r d, Folio No.: 4745F; Lands:

Drumcar; Area: 0.300 acres; County: LOUTH.

W i l l i am R y a n, Folio No.: 1120; Lands:

Ballyhistbeg; Area: 29a.3r.21p.; County:


J a m e s Phelan, Kildermody, Kilmacthomas,

Co. Waterford. Folio No.: 1652; Lands:

Kildermody; Area: 206a.0r.39p.; County:


Ro s a l i ne K e l l y, 7 Lakeview Rd., Wicklow.

Folio No.: 2 4 3 3 L; Lands: Bungalow Seven,

St. Laurence's Park; County: W I C K L OW.

J a m e s B a r r y, Folio No.: 2 0 1 9 7 F; Lands:

Killeagh; Area: 0 . 4 22 acres; County:


Kathleen and Donal Kelliher, Folio No.:

3 3 8 9 8; Lands: Cahereen West; Area:

Oa. 1 r.2p.; County: KERRY.

J o h n K i r b y; Folio No.: 3 1 0 8 1; Lands: Gor-

troe; Area: 0a.1r.0p.; County: KERRY.

Lackagh Development Company Ltd.,

Folio No.: (1) 2 9 6 2 7; (2) 1907F; (3) 2959F;

(4) 2960F; (5) 4362F; Lands: (1) Lackagh

Beg; (2) Cahernashilleeny; (3) Caher-

nashilleeny; (4) Cahernashilleeny; (5)

Lackagh Beg; Area: (1) 2a.0r.5p.; (2)

Oa. 1 r.33p.; (3) 0a.1r.38p.; (4) 0a.1r.38p.;

(5) 1 a.0r.27p.; County: G A L W A Y.

We r n er Lehrell, Folio No.: 2 9 0 5 8; Lands:

Killinardrish; Area: 26a.0r.19p.; County: CORK.

P a t r i ck J o s e p h S e x t o n, Ardee Road, Col-

Ion, Co. Louth. Folio No.: 1352; Lands: Col-

Ion; Area: 17a.1r.34p.; County: L O U T H.

U d a r as na G a e l t a c h t a; Folio No.: 51 571;

Lands: Dooros; Area: 1.038 acres; County:


Crosspan Developments Limited, Folio

No.: 2 3 0 9; County: D U B L I N.

B r e n d an J . M a t t h e w s, Stafford Lodge,

Carrickmines, Co. Dublin is full owner of 1

undivided Vi share. Folio No.: 1286F; Lands:

Property situate in the Townland of Robinhood

and Barony of Uppercross; County: DUB L I N.

Mannix Holdings (Unlimited Liability

C omp a n y ), 7 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1. Folio

No.: 1994; Lands: the property situate in the

townland of Yellow Walls (part), Barony of

Coolock; Area; 4 . 4 0 acres; C o u n t y:


B e r n a rd B o y l e, Friary, Barnesmore, Co.

Donegal. Folio No.: 2 5 2 8 9; Lands: Friary;

Area: 7a.2r.15p.; County: D O N E G A L.

G e o r ge C. L o n e r g a n, Kilmoylan Upper,

Doon, Co. Limerick. Folio No.: 1 5 5 9 8;

Lands: Kilmoylan Upper; Area: 28a.2r.6p.;

County: L I M E R I C K.

M i c h a el R i c h a r d s o n, Folio No.: 11614F;

Lands: Ballysheedy East; Area: 0 .5 acres;

County: L I M E R I C K.

M i c h a el Fitzgerald; Folio No.: 1166;


Bally v a l l i k in


A r e a:

170a.3r.35p.; County: WA T E R F O R D.

J o a n D o h e r t y, Magheraroarty, Gortahork,

Letterkenny P.O., Co. Donegal; Folio No.:

19844F; Lands: Magheraroarty; County:


Dundalk Urban District Council; Folio

No.: 4 7 6 6; Lands: Marshes Upper; Area:

21 a.3r.3p.; County: L O U T H.

P a t r i ck W h y t e of Bodington, Clonalvey,

Co. Meath; Folio No.: 3 9 2 8; Lands: Part of

the lands of Bodington situate in the elec-

toral division of Stamullin, Barony of Duleek

Upper and C o u n ty of Me a t h; Area:

85a.3r.31 p.; County: M E A T H .


(GROUND RENTS) ACT 1 9 67 TO 1 9 87

In the Matter of the Landlord & Tenant

(Ground Rents) Acts 1967 to 1987, Thomas

Maher, Applicant; Property at Ladyswell

Street, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.

WHEREAS the Applicant has applied to

me for an order declaring that he is entitled

to acquire the Fee Simple interest in All That

and Those the licensed premises situate at

Ladyswell Street, Cashel in the Parish of St.

John The Baptist, Barony of Middlethird and

County of Tipperary, n ow and for upwards

of Eighty (80) years last in the occupation

of the applicant and his predecessors in Ti-

tle and for such further or other Order as

may be necessary in the matter, I, HEREBY

GIVE NOTICE that I will sit at the Court-

house, Clonmel on the 16th day of

November 1 9 88 at 2.30p.m. to hear said

application and any submissions by any in-

terested Parties in relation thereto.

SIGNED: Patrick J. McCormack,

County Registrar.

Miscel laneous

8 E C R E T A R I AL WO R K , w o rd processing

and typing from o wn home by experienced

Legal Secretary. Phone 4 1 3 0 2 3 any time.


Details from Edward Fitzgerald & Son, Solici-

tors, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo. Tel. (092) 41011.




Intensive 12-week course. Nerys Ryan,

8 9 4 0 2 6 ( 4 - 7 . 3 0 p . m .)

C O N N E M A R A: half-acre site for sale.

Beside sea and near golf links. Box No. 80.

FOR SA L E: S o l i c i t o rs P r a c t i ce in Cork ci-

ty. Apply in confidence to Joyce Buckley

Crowley, Chartered Accountants, of 25

Grand Parade, Cork. Principals only.

Lost Wi l ls

L E Y D E N , E m i l y , d e c e a s e d, late of

Greenlands Villas, Rosses Point, County

Sligo, (maiden name: Emily Daly, a native

of Magheran Earla, Eyre Court, Ballinasloe,

Co. Galway). Will anyone having knowledge

of the existence or whereabouts of a Will,

or information re the Estate of the above

named deceased w ho died on the 2nd day

of January 1 9 88 at Sligo General Hospital,

aged 71, please c o n t a ct Colette M.

McMahon, Solicitor, 39 Celtic Park Avenue,

Dublin 9. Tel. (01) 3 1 0 5 7 4.

O ' S U L L I V A N , M i c h a e l ,

( o t h e r w i se

Michael Joseph), late of 32 Crab Lane,

Chadsmoor, Cannock, in the County of Staf-

ford, England, and formerly of Reentrisk,

Allihies, Bantry, Co. Cork. Will anyone hav-

ing knowledge of a Will for the above nam-

ed deceased please contact Messrs. Wolfe

& Co., Solicitors, Wolfe Tone Square, Ban-

try, Co. Cork. Ref. 1884.

K I N G , M l c h a al J . , bachelor, retired com-

mercial traveller with no permanent address.

Will anyone having knowledge of a Will for

the above named deceased please contact

Messrs. Henry J. Wynne & Company,

Solicitors, Boyle, Co. Roscommon.

M c N A M A R A , A r t h u r, late of Mountrivers,

Doonbeg, Co. Clare. Ob. 19th July, 1988.

Will any persons having knowledge of a Will

made by Arthur McNamara late of Moun-

trivers, Doonbeg, Kilrush, Co. Clare, please

advise McMa h on & Williams, Solicitors,

Kilrush, Co. Clare, reference BF/P525.

Contd. on pagm 266

2 6 7